Everyone was stunned. Sailor Moon had become Neo-Queen Serenity! She spoke, "Small Lady, you must remember about your childhood." She lifted the Silver Crystal. |
Black Lady cried out. A strange light entered the dark crescent moon symbol on her forehead. |
Black Lady remembered the scene that Wise Man, actually the Death Phantom, had used to convince her she was unloved. She remembered herself as the child Rini, sitting on the ground crying because her mother wouldn't pick her up. "I hate you Momma! Poppa, help me up!" | "You can do it yourself", King Endymion replied in a kind voice. This time, in the memory, her parents had smiles of encouragement on their faces. "You see", explained Neo-Queen Serenity, "We wanted you to be strong and stand on your own."
| Black Lady remembered. "Momma, Poppa" she said softly. |