Meadowview of Glastonbury
Homeowners' Association
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Meeting Announcement for Meadowview residents, distributed May 3, 2001

Happy spring everyone,

We just wanted to let everyone know that we have scheduled two meetings for the near future.  The dates for these following two meetings are as follows:

May 14th, 2001,

June 5th , 2001.

Both of these meetings will be held at the Wells Turner Memorial library in the large conference room from 7 PM to 8:45 PM.

These meetings are important and we hope that everyone can make the effort to join us at these meetings.

The May 14th meeting will discuss the following topics

·         Glastonbury police speaking on safety issues.  The details are still being worked out on this.

·         The voting process to determine who will be our next Secretary and Vice President. Anyone interested in either of these two positions should notify the executive board via e-mail or postal mail. We would also like all interested people to attend the May 14th meeting to introduce themselves to the other homeowners and state which position there are seeking. This is your opportunity to help.

Our current Vice President will not be seeking a second term so there will be two open positions on the executive board. If these positions are not filled, we may need to consider other options as to how to continue running the association. Please help out if you can.   

  ·         Landscaping issues – what needs to be done to keep up the appearance of our community.

·         The status of any outstanding issues with Allen.

·         Where we stand with the Traffic Signs for Lenox Drive (Stop Signs, Speed Limit Signs and Caution – Children Playing, etc.).  

·         Discuss Association fees status. What has been received and what is still outstanding. Unfortunately, there are a number of homeowners that have not responded to the first Billing notice. A second Billing notice has been sent out. If you have not received your Homeowners Association Fee Billing Statement for the 2001 year, please notify the Executive Board as soon as possible.

The June 5th meeting will be for the voting process to vote for the next Secretary and Vice President.  Proxy votes will be available approximately one week prior to the meeting. Updates on the Association fee status and any other items continued/updated from the May 14th, 2001 meeting will also be discussed.