Before we blame, we should first see if we can’t excuse.
-G. C. Lichtenberg
Let us take men as they are, not as they ought to be.
-Franz Schubert
If you want to judge a man, take a look at his enemies.
-Harry Golden
If you’d be loved, be worthy to be loved.
Never confuse "I love you" with "I want to marry you."
-Le Roy King
Love not at the first look.
-John Clarke
If you want something very, very badly, let it go free.
If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, it was never yours to begin with.
Better have an old man to humour, than a young rake to break your heart.
-Thomas Fuller
When you marry… make sure your lives are different enough so that you have something
to tell each other in the evening.
-Brett Daniels
Never Marry a man who can’t please you. If you’d rather be with someone else, then don’t make the commitment.
-Dr. Joyce Brothers
Choose a wife rather by your ear than by your eye.
-English proverb