TradesThink of this as an alternative way to get my tapes. If you have something that I don't have on my list, something in either master or first generation (Preferably SVHS), that you'd be willing to give me for some of my tapes, we may be in business! Just e-mail the goddesses and I will see what I can do. Note: some titles are worth more than others, so if you have a really rare, or really good quality tape, you may get two or more tapes in exchange for one tape. Also, I ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DO NO WANT DRAGONBALL, POKEMON, OR ANYTHING THAT RESEMBLES IT! I am a SHOUJO fansub distributor, and while some of what I distribute is shounen or borderline (both shoujo and shounen at the same time), I am more interested in deep character development, beautiful animation, and deep plot, than fighting scenes. I beg you PLEASE READ MY RULES PAGE!!! My procedure for processing a trade is the same as my procedure for distributing a title. Follow the rules and everyone's life will be a whole lot easier. The tapes I have for trade are: Anything on my titles page The tapes I really want right now: Any shoujo not on my page that isn't commercial Any show or OVA with good plot Any new Shoujo or Shounen-ai with yummy guys in it ;) Any Yaoi that I don't already have, or that you have in better quality I'll also trade you for rare anime CDs or J-Rock CDs. Two burned CD's will count towards only 1 tape because the extra expense supplies and shipping runs for a tape in comparison with a CD. You have to give me a track listing with the cd, or a good quality color copy of the track list from the booklet for me to count it as a trade. What I really want is the original CD and I will pay you in tapes for that, as long as it has no scratches and the original booklet. Unless it is from Japan (i.e not Sonmay) I'm probably not going to be interested. If it is wicked rare or out of print, it will be worth a bit to me. 1 perfect CD will be worth 6 tapes (if it is rare enough, maybe more). I will accept original Sonmay CD's, but they must be new and I will only count them as 3 tapes.
The CD's I want right now are:
When writing a request for a trade, make sure that you supply the following information in your e-mail: I BEG YOU!!!please don't send me substandard tapes! I only want copies of masters or first generation tapes. By master, I don't mean a copy from the subber's master, but a tape aquired through trade with a subber, sponsorship of a subber, or being a subber yourself. Onegai! QUALITY CHECK YOUR TAPES BEFORE YOU SEND THEM!! If they sound like someone is running over a cat, or if the image is shot, I don't want it. I've already had a bad experience with a trader from Canada who insisted her tapes were masters, but the quality of tape I actually recieved caused me to create an all new low in rating, -5. If I feel there is a problem with a tape (and it has to be really serious before I will say something), then I thoroughly check it. Considering that all the tapes I aquire through trade are used for distribution, it only makes sense that I would ask for only the best. |