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Tiff- We got most everyone you know (well we tried to find them all) to write you a little something to remember them by while you live your new life in Singapore. Enjoy reading these messages!

*Amie Fu*

hey tiff! by the time u get this you will be somewhere around the world from us. i gotta tell ya....i'm missing you alot. i can still remember when i met you, i wondered who this cheerleader was that i shared voicemail with. hehe, well, things have changed and you have become one of my best friends. i'll always remember you and ur goofy ways. you've stuck with me through everything. i love you for that! You are one those people that i'm not afraid to tell things to because you won't judge and make me feel like an idiot, even through all the stoopid things i've done. You gave me some pretty awesome memories and i'm sure we have many more to come. I'll always remember the dreaded LONG walks at cyc but i will also remember the good times we had sneaking around at night. This spring break when you pratically moved in with me and we must have driven to clear lake millions of times (well, 2 to be exact). Our last sleepover when we all must have been high on sumthing. If you do ever get to watch that tape just remember all the good times k? Seems like we've been through everything together..boys, school, family and everythng else. i've been through more with you in 2 years then i'll ever be through with people i've known my whole life. that is why i know you'll be fine in Singapore cuz ur an awesome gurl that can make friends everywhere. i'll always remember shopping at Abercrombie, chilling endlessly at starbucks and star snow ice, going to dances and being goofy, all the hundreds of movies we must have seen, and cramming into brad's car every weekend. When you come back to us in 10 months things'll be basically the same but don't worry....we'll all have our cars so you won't hafta worry about getting a ride. hehe! 10 months for sure won't seem that long since we're sure to keep in touch since we're all INTERNET MONKEYS!! so you have fun in singapore and eat all that fruit but i have one wish....don't forget us "hicks" still stuck in boring Houston while you move on to bigger and better things. Be good k? i don't wanna hear about you having to clean up trash or getting canned cuz you were chewing gum. hey! i'm still older then you even though ur like 12 feet taller then me so you better listen. hehe! =) well, i'm sure you have many more messages to read and i've taken up too much space already so this is me saying say ya in 10 months but i'll talk to you much sooner! u better write. don't steal all the boys and i'm postive you'll do fine in your international boarding school. never change...stay beautiful and ur wackyself cuz thats the gurl i love. alright...thast it..bye dearie!!!
		love always,


*Amy Chen*

*Dedication not yet available*

*Bradley Wong*

*Dedication not yet available*

*Carol Newinn*

Tiffany! Hey cutie-patootie! Always remember you have lots of loving friends over here in the states and that we will always miss you and be thinking of you. You're such an awesome girl that I know you will haveno problem making new friends over there. Never forget us because we won't forget you! But anyways you'll have the internet and you can talk to uson there hehehe...isn't technology wonderful? :) LOVE YOU HUNNY!


*Chris Leung*

sup sup tiffany!!!!!

damn.....another year is over but ur leaving ...... ....sniff ......so sad............im gonna miss u man.........ne ways, we're all gonna miss u over here in houston.....wish i got to kno u better but its all good....come visit me when u come bak and well go chill or something.....u kno wat...ur a ditz....no really u r....im not joking.......forreal.....ur one dumb gurl.....IM JUST PLAYING....ur cool.....u kno im just messin with u.....just always remember that it doesnt matter in the size of the wand, but th magic in the stick....aite...have fun in singapore and remember to write me email at.....adidazn69@hotmail.com...aite dont get to rowdy...no gum either.....im out....
CHRIS "tall canton" Leung

*Chris Lai*

*Dedication not yet available*

*Christina Tai*

*Dedication not yet available*

*David Sha*

Tiffany, This is not really goodbye, but more like i'll see you later type thing. It's hard to think about what has happened in our friendship over the last couple of years, and i still regret the last six months, but things happen and we just have to get over them (i think you know what i mean). I want to thank you for always being able to set aside time for me to talk to you over the phone and always being able to lend some good advice to help me. I'll always cherish the movies we went to and the malls that we shopped...or even shoplifted?...ne ways...that's all over now though. Remember all the good times that we had and, no doubt, there will be many to come. I have had many friends travel across the world, yet they always seem to return. But to sum it all up, i am not at all afraid of seeing you go, because i know that you will come back to visit us, and i just wish that i had given you a proper goodbye ( c u later). I still wish that there was some way that you could stay a little longer so that i could see you before you go, but i guess it's too late for that. Freak dancing will never be the same without you around, and if "the group" still freak dances at parties, we'll always save you a space. You can count on it. Whenever i hear songs on the radio that i use to play for you to listen a long time ago, i'll think of you. And i'll always have the picture of you sitting on my lap at CYC, even though you told me to rip it up, i knew that it would be useful someday. I'll every so often, look at pictures that i have of you and remember what a great friend you have been, and still will be, cause i know that you WILL be emailing me from there. Send me a postcard every so often and take care of yourself. You have added a special meaning to the word "sister" and that's what i have always seen you to be. remember how i always use to call you that..."he sis, what's up?"...Make sure that you Keep in touch, and stay tough in singapore...who knoes, you might have a chance to show them how to dance...you were always one of the best, and still are. be sure to call, if money allows. take care of yourself for me and all your friends down here...love you lots and i always will....i hope to see you soon....your "bro" - David Sha

*Donna Chen*

*Dedication not yet available*

*Emily Ma*

Dearest Tiffany,

Well, I guess now is the time for me to say good bye?*SIGH* and it really does seem depressing. Over the time that we have known eachother, you have become one of my closest friends! This homepage thing that me and Lizz put together is just something special I really hope you enjoy. My fellow internet monkey, you know how much time I spend on here! I still remember the first time I saw you jumping around (hehee) at Jessica and Janice's Birthday party sometime last year... Although you don't remember ME being there, haha that's ok. Just stay your crazy and wacky self, beause thats what makes you so awesome. =o) And now, just some memories to reminisce on...

Thank you for the long talks, and understanding me. Sometimes, it seemed that you were the ONLY one to understand MY point of view ... on certain people (hehehe) you know! Saturday morning chats were great, up until your mom would pick up the phone... "Ming Ming!!! chr fan!" haha!! We have also made some great memories too... Hey! Never forget "Club Saturn" (HAHAHAH!!!) and you are certainly a GREAT dancer!! Not to mention running around in parking lots, and clicking our heels together, I still haven't gotten really good at that! When other people thought I was high or something you were right there being a dork just like me (well sometimes) so thanks for making me feel LESS stupid... hehe! And don't be self conscious about those sexy legs! My jacket was not made to cover them up... remember that!

My fellow YooSeungJoon lover, those Korean music videos were sooo pimp tyte! You made Abercrombie be 'our' store, with Christina too!! (I loved your yellow AF pants!) And yes, you ARE one of my best shopping partners. I still remember chilling at StarSnowIce and you flung a piece of Tapioca into Chris's eyeball, now THAT was just too hilarious. That one FOGGY night was especially creepy not being able to see anything down that dark scary road~ EEK! but at least we were able to crash at your house... the few lucky ones that enter your big mansion!! I'll always remember our late night stops at IHOP, those were so fun!! Remember the talking syrup containers? hRmmmmz... My favorite restaurant, CHILIS!!! I hope your 15th birthday was really special, cause we tried! =o)... AMC 24 is still our LEAST favorite movie theater, damn those racist people! It really sucked when we got kicked out of Cruel Intentions, but oh well. I know i'm an idiot when i'm on Jessica's AOL account trying to fool you into thinking that I was her! Remember those times when we went to eat Pho... man that stuff was so good. Or maybe you were just watching us eat singing that US song... it still is the jam! You are still one of the few who understands my obsession with korean music~ ;o)

So my dear little sister, don't ever forget your MA pride, because I'll sure have it even AFTER i get married! (And that is IF I ever will)... Daddy Long Legs, Tower Power, MingMing, our friendship will stay forever in my heart even IF you are on the other side of the world. Don't you ever forget me, or I'll have to open that can of whoop @$$! haha Just Playing~! Thanks for all the *LoVe* advice, it really did help me out at times. And I know you had fun reading my totally cool poetry, only the selected few DID read those stupid things.. hehe! You big PIMP you, remember to keep those guys at a distance! Have fun fighting them all off. I'll always be here for ya, as best that I possibly can thousands of miles away. I WILL remember you when you visit next summer. I'll be waiting here!!

*Gloria Wong*

hey wsup tiffany? how are u? anywayz, that was a looooong airplane ride huh? haha. =O) well anywayz, i'm sad that you left.....even though it might not seem like it. we use to be real tight......but i guess we just started going our own wayz. even though our friendship meant a lot to me....i didn't try hard enough to keep it strong. that'd be my fault. anywayz, i feel like i'm writting some cheezy thing.... but.....i just want to say that you've been an awesome friend. we've had a lot of good times.......ballroom dancing.......talking on da phone 24/7......and u coming over to my house on fridayz. even though you kinda just left......i have missed u for awhile. 'cause i haven't actually really chilled with u....or talked on da phone with u. i really miss u being around.......it was really fun......doing thingz together.....it was alwayz fun when u were there. well, we both went our separate wayz i guess u could say.....and now you're in singapore. i wish u da best of luck in everything u do....and also in boarding school....since it'z new to u. u might think that everything i'm saying is a bunch of cow crap.....but it isn't. i hope our friendship can continue.....so please email me....or IM if u can. i will probably come visit u some day.......maybe next summer.....so i hope we can keep in touch. your buddy alwayz, gloria

*Ivan Kwong*

hey tiff,
it's me CaNtoN IvaN. too bad you've moved, and even worse 2 days before i came back from hong kong, too, but it's ok, you can stare at our homecoming picture and remember how fun it was, and how i even got into your lil dress... hahaa... wow, i'm the only person to take you to a homecoming, how special... well, to wrap things up, we will all miss you very much (including me) and i hope you come back to visit htown whenever you can. i'm also gonna remember slapping your nice ass too...hehee, take the best of cares, and take it easy.
lotsa luv,
ivan HKBOYEE kwong

*Janice Shen*

TIFFANY~hey bud how are you???? well i'm okay i guess hmmm..what to write....well there's the usual stuff like i'll miss you SOOOO much..and that u hafta write me but you know that already!! (at least i think you do...fishies mite take a while to understand some things hahahaha) wellllll i was thinking the other day about how i got to know you...and i kept thinking and thinking and i finally came to realize it was from sharing a vmail..remember? back in the days hehehe its weird i feel like i've known you FOREVER its so cool that we became such good friends over such a short span on only about 2 years! I jus want you to know that our friendship means SO much to me...we've gone through the good and bad..tears, laughs and all!!!!! I hope you didnt open that envelope early....if u did we warned you =P i remember specifically that lizz and i told u that it wouldnt be as cool if u opened it b4 u got there...well if you didnt wow i'm proud of you...i prolly would've opened it on the plane or something =) hehehe welllll i jus wanna remind you that john glenn isnt an actor, being tall is cool, there is NOTHING wrong with you legs and ears, paranoia is contagious, the people that own bath and body works and abercrombie are RETARDED, you shouldnt be scared of my parents =), (or my brother), no more scratching off faces in pictures on my wall!!!!, dont worry the counselors never thought u were conceited, boy bands are cool (backstreet boys, nsync, 98 degrees), brat and mang are special words only you used hahaha, SOCCER BALLS, power of houston, how we jus look so much a like....not reallly..but others seem to think that, and last but NOT least, always remember that i'll always love ya and u were truly an awesome friend. I will NEVER EVER EVER EVER forget you and i hope you wont tooo..even when you become a model in "sinkapoor" hehehe. well best wishes in all that you do and remember that i'm always here for ya okay??? o yeah and if you dotn remember some of those inside jokes jus email me an i'll be more than happy to refresh your memory okies? well hope you have a great time in singapore and dont forget to KIT and that i LOOOOOOOOOOOVVVVVVVVEEEEEEE YYYYYYYYAAAAAAAA hehehe bye bye and you BETTER write me ( yes thats a threat) hahahaha okay well bye once more luv your bud,
janice shen

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