Twist And Turn Where Angels Burn



No... thought Lamina, this can't be...oh well, better make the best of it...but I do feel a bit guilty for some reason... Lamina didn't know why she felt guilty. She bought the book and got out of the shop, walking back home.

Back home, Darren sensed that something was wrong with Lamina. Darren walked up to her and gently patted her shoulder.

"Darling, what's wrong?" asked Darren. Lamina didn't answer. Instead, she just faced Darren with an expressionless face. Darren didn't know what to do. The only thing that came up to his mind was to hug her - and so he did. Lamina shed a few tears on his shoulder before falling asleep. Darren carried her to their bedroom and let her rest while he walked back to the living room.

As Darren walked to the living room, he noticed a book on the table. Darren picked it up and flipped to the dog-eared page, which was a chapter about 'parallel worlds'. Darren read the chapter and thought for a while. Could this be what's troubling Lamina honey? thought Darren. Nah, it can't be...but what if...

Lamina, though, was having a hard time sleeping. All night long she was attacked by nightmares about her meeting Colby. Colby was sitting next to a pool, crying.

"What's wrong, Colby?" asked Lamina as she approached her. Colby looked up with fire in her eyes.

"You devil!" screamed Colby, "you stole my husband!" This time Colby was REALLY angry.

"But Colby...I don't know how this happened...please don't scream at me..." pleaded Lamina. Soon, Lamina was to cry too. Colby looked up, this time without fire in her eyes - but she was still angry.

"You kept dreaming of marrying MY husband...night after night after night...well, your dream just came true!" shouted Colby. "Aren't you happy now?" she added, in a sarcastic tone.

Lamina was stopped dead in her tracks. She noticed that the pool water was boiling hot and that Colby was throwing the water right at her. Lamina cold do nothing else but...