Me: *walks through the door carrying a small, thin book in her hands* Hey guys, check this out!


Me: No, it's not a fairy tail. . . *pauses as everyone sighs in relief* Actually, I'm not sure what to call it. It's more of a Fractured Tail, I guess.

Lina: *groaning* That's even worse.

Me: Hey! Ok, this is based on several things. One, it's based off that old Christmas poem, The Night Before Christmas. . .

Zel: You know that when you're finished no one will be able to hear that story quite the same way again?

Me: Hey, I'll never see it the same way again after that play my Drama class did years ago where we put this story in a blender and killed it.

Zel: ..... That explains it.

Me: *ignores him* Anyway, I would like to thank Philicity-chan for reminding me of this incident I'm getting ready to explain with her own Night Before fic. Arigatou! *bows*

All: *glare in Philicity's direction* Yeah, thanks.

Me: Anyway, about four years ago during one of my more insane moods, I took a Drama class. Come Christmas time, we need to perform a play. So we took The Night Before Christmas, and basically did to it what I do with Fairy Tales. So, I figured with it being close to the Holidays, and my computer going bye-bye soon *sniffle*, I would slaughter this story yet again through a retelling. ^^

Lina: So are you going to cast us?

Me: Oh yeah.

Amelia: Didn't think we could get out of it. *sigh*

Me: Anyway, as the Father and Mother, we have Zel and Amelia.

All except Z and A: Figures.

Z and A: *blush*

Me: As the children we have Lina and Martina.

Martina and Lina: *&^*&^&%^%$^%$$%#!!!!!

Me: Yep! As the Reindeer, we have Xelas Metallium . . . .

Xelas: *blows smoke ring* Hmmmm

Me: Gourry . . .

Gourry: ??????

Me: Filia...

Filia: Excuse me?

Me: You heard me. *takes a deep breath and runs through the rest* Miwan, Eris, Naga, Sylphiel and Zangy!

Reindeer: WHAT?! WHY?

Me: You'll see. *giggles evilly* As Santa, we have Xelloss.

Xel: I'M A GOOD GUY?! O.o

Me: Not really.

Xel: *ponders, then smiles* Ok. ^_^

Me: And as an elf we have Valgarv.

Val: What the . . . ????!!!!!

Me: You get to dress Santa!

Val: WHAT?!

Xel: Ooo, I like this story all ready! ^_____^

Me: *WHACK* NOT THAT WAY, YOU HENTAI! Val, since you're staying here and not paying room and board for all the food and furniture I've been haveing to replace every time you have a battle with Xelloss, you have to do what I say. *grins darkly*

Amelia: That look is scaring me.

Lina: I know the feeling.

Me: Ok, here are your props. *dumps a pile of stuff into the floor, then puts up three cardboard walls, on which has a space heater against it, another with a HUGE window cut into it, and the rest of the area is taken up by roll away cots and toys laying around*

Zel: What are we to do with this?

Me: Whatever I tell you to in the story.

Amelia: I don't know if I like this.....

Me: All right, let's get started! Reindeer, here are you costumes, Santa, I need to see you real quick. *whispers in Xel's ear, and Xel starts giggling much to discomfort of the rest of the cast*

Fanfiction 1