你是第Hi Hi!!!人來到本頁!!!

Hi Hi!!!

ME ME!!!My Pics!ME ME!!!

Here is the continuation of my pics!~

Me and my Netfriend Zero. This is the
best sticker pic I ever taken. =>
    Me, and Zero!
Meimi and me!
    <= This is the first card that I took, it
    was in HK in summer 2000.
I took this card with my friends Ronny
(the guy beside me), Tracy (the girl
under me), and Jon (the guy beside
Tracy) in thanksgiving 2000.
    Me, Ronny, Tracy, and Jon!
Me, Ronny, Tracy, and Jon
    <= Same as above.
This is the card that I took with Karen
before she went to HK for the Christmas. =>
    Karen and me!
My brothers and me!
    <= I took this with my brothers on the
    Christmas day 2000.
I took this with my netfriend Benny
2 days after christmas! I don't
know why I look so dead here! =>
    Benny and I!
Cecilia and me!
    <= Me and my friend Cecilia. Again, I
    don't know why I look so dead here!
My best friend, Connie, and me here. =>
    Connie and Me!
me, Jennie, Fiona, and Tracy!
    <= I am on the left top corner, Jennie
    is under me, Fiona is beside me, and
    Tracy is beside Fiona. And I fixing my
    hair when I was taking this pic.
    Stupid me!

Be SuRe To CoMe BaCk SoOn!!!

Myself // 我的過去
My Dream // 我的朋友 // My Pictures