New stuff....
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Hokay! I have finally updated! There is an entirely new look, and I hope it's easier to navagate. I realize the links are a bit hard to read, and I am currently working on that problem. ^_^ Hmmm... Well, I'm going to be putting up new fics soon, but ther are none at the moment. I have deleted all bad links, hopefully, but if you find any, email me about them! Thank you! ^_^

4-15-01 Hey there! I updated for easter! YAAAAY!! I finished Pain and Healing, two new chapters, and a short fic. I alsoadded a lot of fanart, and added new chapters of The Xellos Show, one of which is not in tapes because it's old. really old. ehehehe.... anyway! Enjoy! ^_^
Wow. I took a LONG TIME to update. Well, I have added... *counts on fingers* four new fanfics, and updated the Ask the Anime Character section. ^_^ I've been working on my artsite, too. Did you know our school is the dumb one in Michigan with all the bomb threats? We were on the news. Somehow, though, I doubt you can make a bomb if you can't spell it correctly. (Their is a bom. Get out.) Good old Linclon High edemucation, I'm tellin' you what...
12-13-00 WAHOO!! Sorry I took so long to update!! Ummm... I put up some stuff before, I can't remember what it was, but I didn't update updates. Gawd, I'm dumb. Anyway, I just put up chapter 22 of Nobility, if anyone cares to look at it. ^_^ have fun!OHH!!! Also!! I'm SO sorry, but this site won't be having a gallery. Why? Because I'm already out of space. How? I have no freaking idea. grr. Oh well. I also have updated the 'you know you watch too much anime if' section, but not as much as I would like. why? because my dad "fixed' our comp again and I lost all the emails of stuff I was GOING to add. if it's nt up there now, you have to resend it to me, because i don't have it anymore. *crycry* That goes for any submissions so far, unfortunately. if it's not up, it won't be unless you resend it.
8-21-00 Hey! ^_^ I now have the first four chapters up of Pain and Healing! ^_^ NOTE: if you have ALREADY read chapter four up on my site, I screwed up. It was ALMOST complete, but theres another paragraph added to it as of now!

8-16-00 I have added a new fic! It's called pain and Healing, and.. yes, yes, I KNOW I should finish the ones I'm working on, but I had to do a story for english and I thought hell, why not? Anyway, there is also a new ask the anime character and some new 'you know you've watched too much anime when' reasons! Thank you everyone, and keep sending me cools stuff!! And as always, if you sent me something and it's not up, yell at me! I probably forgot about it and it's sitting on my hard drive widdling it's thumbs. ^_^
WAI!! I have just put up like a ton of ashe's pictures in the fanart for fanfics sectionm, which is now under fanart. ^_^ Also added some to the "You know you watch too much anime when.." and I'm planning on updating "the Xellos Show, but you know how I procrastinate. ^_^ ugh. it's 1:30, and I need sleep...

8-9-00 HIIII!!! I jsut put up chapters three through five of Incubus on my website!! ^_^ Whee!! I should have the next chapter done soon, and guess what? Incubus is officially going to have a lime chapter!!! My good friend and all around amazing writer Chaos is going to write a chapter for me! She's soooooo good, She's up there with my fave fic writers like Theria and all the others!! WAAI!! okay, ummm.. have fun! ^_^ And please, sign my guestbook!!
I have now added all the fanarts for my fics that people have sent me! I regraet to say that, as always, I have been stupid and lost some of them. *pummels her head* If you don't see yours up, it is NOT because I didn't think it was good enough or something! I just can't find it since My sisters screwed up the comp!!

Hallo!! Well, I got up two more chapters of dance of the damned... I went to my moms house and brougt back all the fanarts I coul find of my fics from you guys, hopefully I'll have those up soon, and I got $75 from beta testing my uncles' software, so now I can have money!! YAAAAY!! okay! Umm.. That's about it! I hope to update Fairy Tale, it's waaay behind, and there's some stuff i'm planning on doing with All in the name of frendship...

11:08 AM: hello people! I have woken up, and I have now added Renfiel's "twisted" To my fanfics. Why to my fanfics? Well, she rewrote my fanfic, Fear! It is also on Yourstuff, but I'm not sure who actually reads that....
2 AM: I am really, really, really tired. tell me if i screw up, okay? It's 2 am in the morning, and I have a long day tomorrow.. well, today, and I'm hoping the cool waiter will still be there today...
Anyway! I have added a page for fanart for my fics, I have updated Ask the Anime Character, I have added All in the Name of Friendship chaters 1-4 so far to my fanfic page, I've managed to loose half of the stuff people have sent me for the page because I am sleep deprived or it's all at my mom's house, the latter being hopefully more correct, and a lot of junk is on linux now. I added stuff I can't really remember anymore, maybe that's actually it... geez, I'm gonna go to bed. I must be a lunatic. I added a page for chibi fanart and a page for AITNOF fanart...OH YEAH! I added renfeild's The Xellos Show to fanstuff. wooh. it's really funny. Hmmmm...haven't gotten the back issues up yet. Let me stleep so i don't accidentally suicide by pitching forward into the computer screen, okay? Great. goodnight, everyone. Sweet dreams.

I added an awards page for my pretty new award! ^_^ Also, I found some pics ppl have for me at my mom's computer, so I can probably get those up. (has had no sleep, is at her dad's sick, which is why she's updating finally) anyway, I put that up, and I changed a bit of the wording on the front page. can you tell? I also added an invite to join my mailing list... it's not really MINE, I'm part of it. It's a fanfiction mailing list, not all lina/zel, (there's a lot of other stuff sent out, too. ever think of gourry/Xellos?) but that's where I post my fics first. ^_^ if you want the new releases before anyone else, join! ^_^

Hello! ^_^ I just put two new pics to the fanart page... ^_^ Ummm..... that's about it. ^_^ hehehe... sorreeeeey.....

Okay!! My dad has the comp running again!! I just redid the slayers: Apartment cuz the chapters are all messt up (If you've read them on my mailing list, you'll know. it was SO screwed up. Anyway, they're all set now, and it's up to chapter 12!! Cool! And no chapters missing! Sooo... yeah! Go for it! Anlso, I added Sleeping Amelia to the Your Stuff Section. It's by Relm Wanderer, a highly talented author. Relm's webpage link is there too. Now, it is 11:15, so I'm going to go to bed. so there.

4-27-00 hello!! Okay, some of you people know this, some of you don't. for those of you who don't, I'm telling you. You know all you wonderful people who sent me great stuff for the site? Well... my dad is a programmer. He messes with computers for fun. Wellll... he messed with this computer for fun. he deleted our C drive. this wasn't really TERRIBLE, cuzi had it all backed up on our E drive. unfortunately, I didn't have the emails I got from people backed up, and i had no idea how to get stuff back. if you sent me anything, I'm madly trying to change stuff around here, so please send it to me! Any information on links, pictures you'd like to donate to the soon to be gallery, or anything like that, please resend to me. I'm on my om's computer at the moment, but I can still access my email.
Also! I've added a chapter of Nobility, and I've added FOUR new fics, an update from this afternoon. Three of them I started a while ago, one I started just recently. Heheheh...they were previously sent to my mailing list, but as of now they aren't being read or anything, and I found them on an old disk of mine, so I thought I'd upload them.
As another thing, I now have a banner you can link to me from. it's at the bottom of my index page. Link me! Just type the normal link, but instead of And yet another thing... please click on the link to bevin's page in the fanstuff section!! She's really good, and she'd my mentor....

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