Hello~~~  Click on the shrinked pic to see the big one~  ^_^



Catboy.JPG (50419 bytes)

Catboy and his pet...(!?)  I drew it originally for postcard...  still on sale now(because nobody buys it......... ), along with the one below...


CatboyBird.jpg (16185 bytes)

Catboy and his bird friends............;


Titmouse.jpg (8369 bytes)

It's "Titmouse" from manga "Split" by Shimogaya Pix & Mirai Modoru~  He's soooooo cute~!   ^_^///


BoyWolf.JPG (21802 bytes)

Don't ask me again...  It's not a dog!  Wolf!!!


GokuBW.jpg (15799 bytes)

Goku from "Saiyuki"!  And Jeep the white dragon~ 


Gojou.jpg (16689 bytes)

Gojou from "Saiyuki"!  Kid version though...


TaiShinC.jpg (39110 bytes)

Taikoubo and Shinkouhyou from "Houshin Enki"...  Shinkouhyo is eating(or: "They" are eating...) a Taiwanese snack, doughnut with red bean paste inside...  yummy~~~


IshukaChain.jpg (39898 bytes)

Ishuca from "The Ice Cold Demons' Tale"...  Kinda H....  ^_^///


BunnyEarsW.jpg (12416 bytes)

Bunny ears~~~  Ahh~~~~  I'm sooo addicted to Haruka Minami's manga~~~  Help~~~


CW8pic.jpg (14000 bytes)

It's for the brochure of  the doujinshi fair "Comic World 8 Taipei Taiwan"...  Yes!  Me and Breeze will join it!



