In the previous issue, I have tackled on "
The Essence of Tokyo" as well as expounded on the reasons behind the question
Why Join?. In this segment, I might as well inform you of interesting events that transpired in the Tokyo Neighborhood:
First, the
Tokyo Leaders Help Pages was redesigned by Shinomori Aioshi sometime last year. The new look and feel is easier to navigate. Tokyo homesteaders are finding the right person to approach as well as using the tools therein as they have been designed to do. Kudos to Shinomori!
Secondly, the
Best of Tokyo was opened on September 02, 1998 after the official demise of the Featured Pages. The purpose of this program is to highlight pages within the neighborhood as well as generate popularity of such sites to visitors coming to Tokyo. Midway during the last year, the BOT was transformed in to The Pearl of the Orient Award, which is given to a homestead which exemplifies the strict criteria of being the best! From inception to date, 71 applications have been processed, but unfortunately only three were short-listed, and awaiting for minor page revisions and the actual bestowal of the award.
Third, three new suburbs have been added to our neighborhood, in chronological order: Springs, Bridge, Fields. Springs is aptly named because Tokyo as a neighborhood, which caters to anime and anything Asian, is also host of the proverbial overflowing spring of Asian and anime knowledge-base. Fields is synonymous to ricefield, cornfield, battlefield. Bridge can be attributed to the famous WWII scenario on the River Kwai?
Fourth, the Welcome Committee have welcomed almost two-thousand newbies since we sent the first e-mail last June. About one-half percent of this number applied to become Community Leaders and some have made it while others are on the verge of graduation.
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