The Furinkan High Kendo Club
Construction is Complete

Welcome to the Furinkan High Kendo Club.  This site is a fan page of it's glorious leader Kuno Tatewaki. from the Ranma 1/2 series.  After a long time I finally got this web page finished you may ask what's new well to tell the truth almost everything.  There is new pictures of Kuno and new sections devoted to the women of the Blue Thunder Tendo Akane, Pig-tailed girl and Konji Mariko who will be introduced in the new series Martial Mayhem. I also have new songs in the music shrine as well as a bio  of the great one and I also updated my links so step inside and prepare for the total Kuno experience

Places to visit while at the Kendo Club.

Kuno Bio
    Bio of  Kuno

  Image Gallery
  Various Pictures of Kuno

    Sound Shrine
Sound Files of Kuno including his introduction.

Links to other pages with Kuno and Anime in General.

"The vengeance of heaven is slow but sure..."
Kuno Tatewaki

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