We've BEEN Reviewed! Well....sorta...I love attention. I think everyone does, and that does not stop when I sit down at a keyboard. While checking out the WPR scene, I ran across the following link: The Anti-SailorMoon Web Reviewer Page Now, the WPR that I found this link at goes into a mini rant on the subject of this page. Normally, I would actually find myself defending this page, and I do to a point. Whoever this person is, they have as much right to webspace as I do, and in no way do I begrudge them that. I don't even mind that this page is a anti page, and that The Three Cats are a part of the group in his sights. Hell folks, some of the most funny websites are those that poke fun at the establishment. However, while I don't have a problem with the webpage in general, I *DO* have a problem with some of the presentations the web author makes in his page. The following are a few...
3 Cats - The owner of this "review" team is Artimus from the Luna HQ. He's known for making trouble on various messageboards, guestbooks, and is in no way shape or form qualified to give page advice to anyone, and probably never will be.
AQ - They've got experiance, steady updates, helpful page tips, and somehow a word on the inside into whats going on with SailorMoon. But their reviews are something to be desired. Jumbled, messy, and confussing as hell... not to mention they harbor an unhealthy obsession for some elitist named "jupe" (Could that be you Cere Cere?) check out the palace of silence review, that was a joke. It seems that only certain people (more elitist) will be recognized for best and worst page submissions despite. JunJun is a self-proclaimed hentai loving pervert, and openly bashed the HentaiFree campaimge for no reason at all other than the fact she though it was "useless." Here's a tip JunJun there are all kinds of useless pages on the net.
ZA -
These dirty skanks not only stole a layout, but have for over a year mocked the AQ with a patheticly lame "parody" that just won't go away. They STEAL things from people and claim to be on the site of those who have gotten bad reviews. Yeah right ladies... your the trouble makers here. The sick thing is they try to parody "all reviewers" but not a single thing pertaining to WPRs other than the AQ have appeared. Countered with their even worse reviews and their lack of updates, this has to be truely the worst page on the net.
Before I go much further, I will answer the stuff the web author said about The Three Cats. "The owner of this "review" team is Artimus from the Luna HQ." Uhm...yes. And your point is? I'll admit that right now. I am the most public member of the group. However, note that the web author mis-spelled my name. It's Artemis. Learn it. Love it. Live it. "He's known for making trouble on various messageboards, guestbooks" And how is this of any relevance whatsoever? Even if it were true, and I contend that it is not, the last time I "made trouble" was in getting a response to an editorial in the LFHQ, and since early last year, I have had virtually no trouble-making problems at all. It seems as though some people are just looking for an excuse to go after other people. "and is in no way shape or form qualified to give page advice to anyone, and probably never will be." I wonder how this person measures this qualification. See, because I will tell you right now that I measure webpages based on my four years of HTML experience, but more importantly, I also throw in a simple opinion of what looks good and what does not. What works and what does not. You may not like my opinions, and you may not like my webpage, but I am not forcing any of this down anyone's throats. That's not my style, and that's not the style of the Three Cats. As for the rest of the remarks above, I can safely say that the web author needs to do some fact-checking. Jupe was around the community when I first came to it, and that was about 2 1/2 years ago. She may have been one of the Kraiders, but don't quote me on that. I can say however that she was one of the more respected members of the community, and it seems she has moved on to greener pastures. A lot of the rest of the comments here are simply rant-like opinions, with little basis in fact. I don't mind this, but passing the opinions off as fact is a no-no. Here's another bit from the site, in this case, from the "Meet the Reviewers" section: "The 3 Cats - This the same person who runs the Luna HQ. I have reason to believe that Artemis was playing all 3 cats for a period of time. They just upgraded to a really slow layout... it also seems everyone is rightfully ignoring them." At least my name is spelled right. Another question is raised. Am I playing all three of the Three Cats? The answer: Nope. I am looking for new members, and for the time-being, I am updating MY area of the site, and checking the others to see if someone interesting comes along for me to review. However, when I review these sites, they appear in MY area of the site. As for the site being slow, well, apparently not as slow as the Anti-SM WPR site. I clicked over to a section of the page, and the operation timed out on me. While I admit that some of the graphics sometimes load a bit slowly, more often than not it is at the server level. Anyway, I will be keeping an eye on this site, if only for the sheer enjoyment of watching someone who obviously has no clue of what he is talking about. If anything interesting happens, I'll let ya in on it. Artemis
MAU Madness #1: John Rocker and Yam Head