Robot Carnival

These trading cards are diveded into small series which names I have put in alphabetical order. Those with a '*', I have in two-fold.

Series Name No. Thumbnail Series Name No. Thumbnail
Cloud 1/6 * 15

Cloud 5/6 19
Deprive 1/15 21 Deprive 12/15 * 32
Franken's Gears 3/12 38 Franken's Gears 7/12 42
Franken's Gears 5/12 40 Franken's Gears 11/12 46
Nightmare 4/12 70 Nightmare 9/12 75
Nightmare 11/12 77 Opening 1/3 2
Presence 2/12 49 Presence 8/12 55
A Tale of Two Robots 4/7 63 Starlight Angel 6/10 10

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