A special feature on both versions of Aino Minako...

Some think that differentiating the anime and manga Minako-chan is worthless when in fact it isn't. I think it is vital that all of you will know just how there's a big difference...

Although, Aino Minako was first known to the people in the anime, she, like all of the other senshi, started in the manga.  I noticed that Minako is quite different in the manga and in the anime.  Her character is truly a complex one and it seemed so interesting that her attitude is the way that it is because of certain incidents that have occured in her past life.  Anyway, below are some observations that I made to further explain what I mean...

KAwaii Anime Minako-chan!

Anime Minako-chan

In the anime, Minako was shown to be insecure and silly that her being mature is most of the time being overshadowed. Although she wasn't quite that mature, well, what do you expect? She is still a teenager, right? In the anime, it was shown that she tends to hide her feelings from everyone and expressing her sadness was especially hard for her.

Minako-chan ponders a lot and has a hard time figuring herself out. Though she isn't as intelligent as Ami-chan is, Minako is willing to grow. She wonders how it seems that she wasn't a target for a pure heart. The anime Minako-chan also wonders just how she can live to be a normal teenager when, in fact, she cannot be, especially after acknowledging her duty as a senshi.

special features:
* the anime aino minako has special moves in volleyball of which she was quite known for.
* nurse minako-chan creates more havoc, i mean, helps out her friends who are sick ^_^
* special friendships with her friends (especially with mako-chan and usagi-chan)
* insecurities are quite present (story with alan and katarina unfolds)
* a LOT of idols!!!
* she's so pretty!  ^_^

Manga Minako-chan

The manga Minako-chan was shown to be more mature but also quite silly and determined. She was determined to show everyone that she was worthy to be their leader and worthy to be their friend. Her loyalty and sisterly love for Usagi and the others were all quite visible that she was willing to give up what she had for them.

The manga Minako-chan can also be sophisticated and there are more pictures of her thinking more seriously. In her first appearance, she was instantly cheerful but still concentrated very much on her duty.

Sexy Sophisticated AND Kawaii Minako

special features:
* it was quite evident just how much she can't relate to little children (most especially kawaii chibichibi, the little kid imitated her every word since she still doesn't know how to speak except "chibi!")
* the drawings of her were more vivid and dazzling; ever strand of hair flowed and with a shade too; her eyes were more expressive; her clothes more sexy and not babyish
* her bestfriendship with rei in the manga
* she could also sense trouble (recall volume 3 act 11: endymion, when she sensed that mako-chan was possessed and she kicked her to protect the princess. gomenne minna, but she had to do it ^^)
* she was more focused, more determined to protect the princess and dedicated to her duty
* she knew when and where to be serious
* she had a lot of attacks
* she was given more importance than that of the anime minako-chan
* she had many beautiful shots

Page Modified: May 4, 2000

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