Beautiful Aino Minako Full View, Aino Minako
Beautiful Aino Minako The individual under the senshi fuku is different from what you see at a glance...

Minako Data
The basic information about Aino Minako.
What you usually know about her and all
the basic facts.

Under the Cover
How much do you really know her?
Why is it then that she has this certain
interests?  Find out more...

You can never know why she is sad.
What the hurt under that cheerful face
can hide...

Idol Watch
We know how that she has these many
crushes and encounters with guys, would you like to get to know them?

A Hidden Beauty
Not only does she hide her fears, but her charm and beauty too.  Not just physical, but her whole beauty that is not quite seen...

What's in a Name?
An in-depth analysis of her name in connection to her personality and her elements...

Double Vision
The difference between the anime and manga Aino Minako-chan. What special features aren't quite present in the manga or in the anime.

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