As each season passes,
we notice a change in Sailorvenus and
Aino Minako. Also
there's a distraction or an importance of each.
Find out...
Nobody can deny that
this Season of the series is nice too. This is when
everything started out
with Tsukino Usagi first and then came the senshi.
I noticed that in this
season also, Sailorvenus or Minako-chan was different. She was mysterious
and extremely quiet, even in the manga. In the anime, it was because
all along, she was hiding her hurt about Alan. This was wonderful
though, even if it meant forgiving a man who had hurt her but it also showed
that you could show your love by sacrificing. That is what true
love is for, and Minako-chan just showed it to you. Note: In this
season, the senshi were against the Dark Kingdom.
For those who don't
know, the R means Revive or Return because the senshi, after their deaths,
were reincarnated or revived by the Ginzuishou. In the anime, they
started again with their usual lives, not knowing one another and as if
nothing had happened. In the manga, however, Sailormoon finished
off Queen Metallia (but Sailorvenus killed Queen Beryl) and they were revived
(again) by Sailormoon, who was given a new brooch, and the senshi had their
new henshin pens and Communicators. The Season R is where they went
against the Dark Moon. Sailorvenus against Calaveras/ Karaberas.
Sailorvenus wasn't kidnapped here.
Now here is another
great season. I especially liked it in the anime when Minako-chan
showed her true feelings and true attitude (meaning her being cheerul,
'silly', and kawaii
and, okay, okay, even
though there's more... >_<). This is also when Minako's heart
crystal was taken (I guess you know the story anyway, but if not, click
here for more.) Then, this was also when
they are in search of the three talismans to save the world from the Anti-messiah,
Hotaru-chan. Their enemies here
are Pharaoh 90, Mistress 9, Professor Tomoe, the Witches 5, and Kaolinite
collectively called, umm... I forgot. ^^;;
Oh, yeah, their called
the Death Busters (notice that they all start with a D?) Anyway,
the S stands for Super but since she's the only one who became super so
its not Super Sailors yet. (Get it?)
Super S because the
inner senshi, with the help of the golden crystal on top of Pegasus' head.
The golden crystal is owned by Endymion, but the Silver Crystal, or the
Ginzuishou, is more powerful than that. Now this season is nice too,
only, it focuses too much (again) on Chibi-Usa (no offense, Chibi-Usa fans,
she's nice in the manga, but I want to see my senshi to you know!)
What else can I say about this season, oh yeah, their enemies here are
the Dead Moon Circus (I told you they all started with a D!!)
Well, umm, what else can I say. Nothing anymore because that is all
I can really say. ^_^;;
Here is when the wonderful
things happen. Sailorvenus is recognized as the leader, even if it
seemed that Sailorpluto ordered her to be (no offense to Pluto fans, this
is just my opinion, no reason to be upset). But then, you can gain
notice Minako-chan's idols, the Three Lights. They turn out to be
looking for their princess, Princess Kaguya, or umm, Princess Kakyuu?
(I mix those two ^^;;) The Season of the Stars is really a great
one. Wonderful story of Galaxia and how she came to be. Kawaii
Chibi-chibi appears in this season! Well, I'll tell you the story
of Galaxia next time when I have the time. Hope you enjoyed this
section! ^_^