Nakayoshi's Homepage!

Hello and welcome everyone!

On this page you can find the ISBN numbers for all the tankoban released from "Nakayosi", "Ciao" and "Ribon". So now you can run out to your local bookstore and order these! (It would be fun for people living in North America to go to your local "Chapters" mega store and order these? ne? hee hee- erm, is there "Chapters" all over North America" Or just in my country... eto... I don't know! But you know what I mean)

Nakayosi Titles:
Card Captor Sakura
#1 (Chinese version) 962-953-093-7
#2 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-319791-3
#4 (Chinese version) 962-953-323-5
#5 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-319924-4

#1 (Chinese version) 962-953-096-1
*Japanese version*
#1: 4-06-178847-7
#2: 4-06-178856-6
#3: 4-06-178868-X
#4: 4-06-178877-9
#5: 4-06-178892-2
#6: 4-06-178906-6
#7: 4-06-178913-9

Kaitou Saint Tail
#1 (Chinese version) 962-585-963-2
#2 (Chinese version) 962-585-965-9
#3 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-178859-0

Les Milles Fleurs
#2 (Chinese version) 962-953-497-5

Sailor Moon
*French Version*
#1 * 2-7234-1904-5
#9 * 2-7234-2188-0
#10 * 2-7234-2188-2
#12 * 2-7234-2299-2
#18 * 2-7234-2512-6
*English Version*
#1 * 1-892213-05-2
*Chinese Version*
#1 * 981-3077-18-2
#2 * 981-3077-30-1
#3 * 981-3077-31-X
#6 * 981-3077-78-6
#7 * 981-3078-34-0
#10 * 981-3077-19-0
#11 * 981-3077-20-4
#13 * 962-585-393-6
#16 * 957-25-2880-7
#17 * 957-25-3076-3
*Japanese Version*
#4 * ISBN4-06-17853-5
#5 * ISBN4-06-178764-0
#7 * ISNB4-06-178781-0
#8 * ISNB4-06-178790-X
#9 * ISBN4-06-178797-7
#12 * ISBN4-06-178814-0

Codename Sailor V
#1 (Chinese version) 981-227-080-9
#2 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-322810-X
#3 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-322834-7

Miracle Girls
#6 (Japanese version) ISBN4-06-178756-X

|*Ciao ISBN*|

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