Well, in the "X-Men" movie the story of Logan is as follows: He woke up naked in the woods one day (What I wouldn't give to have seen that!) about 15 years ago with no memory of who or what he was. So he did what anyone would do in that situation, he took up cage fighting and lived out of his rusty old trailer. Until one day a little cutie named Marie walked into his life and his trailer blew up ^_^ Then the real fun began!
When Ebert reviewed the "X-Men" movie he said it should have been called "Wolverine and His Little Friends" ^_^ Since Wolverine played such a huge role! It's true and believe me we aint complaining! Hugh Jackman did an amazing job of bringing to life a very complex, well established character. It wasn't an easy job but he managed to portray Wolverine very realistically. He even managed to capture the whole smoldering, brooding wildman thing perfectly!
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