Marvelous Lovers!

Hello and Welcome to our tiny corner of the internet... It's dedicated to some of our fave Marvel couples ^_^ There are some really adorable couples out there in the Marvel Universe with amazing stories to tell (Like Romeo and Juliet!) So here are some of the ones we most enjoy gushing over!

Marvelous Lovers!
Misc Lovers!
The Quotes!
Just For Fun!
|*Deadpool and Siryn*|
|*Logan and Jubilee*|
|*Logan and Marie*|
|*Jono and Paige*|
|*Victor and Tabitha*|
|*Ken and Yolei*|
|*Molly and Neflite*|
|*Honourable Mentions*|
|*Other Couples*|
|*X-Men Quotes*|
|*Roswell Conspiracies*|
|*Blade Of The Immortal*|
|*General Hospital*|
|*Other Zany Quotes*|
|*They'd NEVER say*|
|*Why we HATE...*|
|*Nakayoshi's Homepage*|
|*Hunny & Pumpkin's Journal*|
|*Voting Station!*|
|*Link To Us! Plz!*|

Manji and Rin, isn't it romantic?!

|*Updated April 9/2003*| |*E-mail Linsie*|

Our sweet little counter says you're super lover number:

*We are in no way affiliated with Marvel, Deadpool, Siryn or anyone of any importance.... they all belong to their own respective trademarked companies. We're just trying to spread the good word! So please don't sue us, we have NOTHING anyway ^_^