
Wowzers... Rogue quite frankly kicked ass in the "X-Men" movie! She was my fave character (Along with Wolvie of course!) So what's her story? Same old tale of boy meets girl, girl kisses boy and puts him in a coma, girl runs away from home, girl meets rugged cage fighting boy and lives happily ever after... The End! *_* Ok, so maybe not EXACTLY like that :P But close enough (Can't wait to see her again in the sequel! Wah, I can't wait until 2003!)

I think everyone who saw the movie says either Rogue or Wolverine is their favourite character- It's kinda funny considering I can never seem to find any pics of Rogue (no posters, not on movie cover, not in promos *sigh* The injustice!)

I think the reason everyone likes her is that her plight really touches people (forgive the bad pun!) She came across as a very sweet, very loveable young woman. (Plus she was one of the few thoroughly developed characters, poor Storm said like two words!)

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