Kaitou Saint Tail is a shoujo manga title by Tachigawa Megumi. Kaitou Saint Tail ran in Nakayosi magazine and was also a popular TV show that aired for two seasons, ending after 43 episodes. The manga has since been collected into 7 volumes.
Basically, it is the story of a young and energetic 14 year old girl named Haneoka Meimi who attends St. Paulia Academy. At night she turns into the Mysterious Thief Saint Tail and sets about town righting wrongs (usually stealing back things that innocent victims have been cheated out of) under the council and direction of her friend Mimori Seira. Seira also attends St. Paulia and is a nun in training. Feeling that they have no other hope, people come to the church to pray for God's help, and Seira listens to their stories. Later, after having been told by Seira about the person's plight, Meimi changes into St. Tail and bounds off in the night to steal back the article in question.
Now, no matter how just the cause, stealing is still a crime. Meimi's classmate, Asuka Jr has dedicated himself to catching St. Tail. The fact that Meimi sort of has a fondness for Asuka does complicate matters a bit. It is a fondness that he returns but it seems split between the elusive St. Tail and Meimi herself. Early in the series Asuka Jr. challenged St. Tail not to commit any crimes without telling him first. So, Meimi always leaves little 'challenge notes' before each heist, telling him where and when she will strike. All along, Asuka Jr. has no idea that Haneoka Meimi and Saint Tail are one in the same person. This is a cute and sweet series that ended quite a while ago...
|*Kaitou Saint Tail Lyrics*|
|*Picture Gallery: Page 1*|
|*Picture Gallery: Page 2*|
Kaitou Saint Tail Summaries:
|*Issue 24*|
|*Last Issue!*|
|*Return to Main*|