Does *anyone* have alot of pictures of him?

Suzaku Shichiseishi Mitsukake

Seishi Name: Mitsukake

Seishi Symbol: ("Shin" On Reading, Sad, Revolve, Frequency: Advanced)

Location: Palm of left hand.

Pseudonyms: Myoujuan, "Healer", the 'Other One' (i.e. Mina)

Age: 21

Birthday: 7 May

Blood Type: O (see here for details.)

Hair Color: Brownish-Black


Seiyuu: Ishii Kouji (also Tokaki)

Suzaku seishi and flat (or do I mean static?) character. (Sorry.) As resident healer-type, Mitsukake's job is to be around to heal everybody as needed and not to be around when dramatic effect requires and Suzaku Seishi's death. (I am not doing this well, but Dale and Serena won't even try these.) He did, however, have his moments. I liked him a lot when he first entered with his sad stiry of Shouka, his fiancee, whom he was forced to kill in order to free her from the demon Shikkonki. His death is really neat, too, (That sounds so insensitive.) but Chichiri's role was what made me actually like the part. He was rather unjoyful, ne? (interesting choice of words.) Unfortunately, in the vast expanse of about 30 episodes between his entrance and his exit from the series, he doesn't do anything interesting (Except if you're reading the manga and you get to see him in a dress -- I did *not* want to see that...) Sorry, Mitsukake. I guess not every character in a given anime can be incredibly awesome... (That sounds so mean...)

Hobbies: Taking care of Tama-neko, looking stoic. (Is it possible to *look* stoic, or just *be* stoic?)

Abilities: Healing everything from burns to broken bones to Tasuki's tessen. (Are you guys sure that's what he's doing there? --of course I can't remember where this is--)

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