Seishi Symbol:("Cho" On Reading, Stretch)
Location: Top of left foot.
Real Name: Ou Dou Kun
Affectionate Nicknames: Cherry Coke, Cheerios, The Unwanted Seishi, Chipmunk.
Pseudonyms: "The Knowledgeable Child"
Age: 13 (although he looks more like 6)
Family: A mother and three older brothers.(In the second series, doesn't he get a younger brother?)
Bloodtype: A (see here for details.)
Height: 148 cm (4'10")
Hobbies: Reading, Studying
The last Suzaku Seishi to enter, (yeah, Chiriko, just what were you doing in that town two miles away while the other seishi were being 'disposed of' by Amiboshi?) Chiriko is also the youngest and the smallest. He's Cute! This may lead some to think that he is useless, but... he can whap you with his mighty scroll!
Chiriko is extremely well-read and provides information necessary to extricate the Suzaku Seishi from uncomfortable situations (i.e. the Nyosei Women Episode). However, due to circumstances beyond his control, he sometimes loses the sign off his foot and becomes as stu-- Dale, Stop Interrupting! HOWEVER, he is only a genius when his sign is present on his foot. At times it disappears, reducing him to an ordinary kid.
In the end, he gets a cool death scene. After his body is taken over by the *EVIL* Seiryuu Seishi Miboshi, he commits suicide to prevent said evil seishi from destroying the other Suzaku Seishi. His selfless death and accompanying deep and thoughtful speech give Tasuki one of this few chances to be touching.
He is particularly close to Chichiri, Mitsukake, and Tasuki, who protests the little kid from... stuff. EVIL stuff... like Tamahome and Hotohori Tamahome and Miaka kissing.
For some reason, they take his body back to Konan with them. Did they give his corpse back to his parents? "We're done with your son now, you can have him back."
Ah... Gomen. ;)