CJ's Akina Nakamori Page

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Greetings! Many thanks to the following Akina fans for signing my guestbook.

Boonchin Wattanachanont - 01/05/99 17:41:49
My Email: boonchin@phonelink.net
Location: Thailand

Your're the most favorite singer in my mind forever.

Jack - 01/05/99 16:54:43
My Email: wolverine105@hotmail.com
Location: Toronto, Canada

Did Akina sing on Dec 31 at the Record Award with Matchy? Could someone let me know? Thanks alot!

KING - 01/02/99 14:48:24
My Email: kinghk@hotmail.com
Location: Hong Kong

Anyone know which Website can buy Akina 's LD, DVD and CD. i mean not only the latest one.

Triphilium - 01/01/99 07:32:27
My Email: die@valise.com

I usually never go to a Japanese pop star artist website. This is the first one I have ever went into one. I find this cool. So far I heard her song, and I liked her tone of music.

Yeung Kwok Leung - 12/08/98 10:58:41
My Email: larry11@hkstar.com
Location: Hong Kong

I'll always support you ! Please Work Hard !

Gentil Toshiyuki Tamada - 12/05/98 18:49:50
My URL: http://www.mixjapan.com.br
My Email: gentil@apcd.org.br
Location: Brazil

Congratulations for so complete site!

Jessie Chua - 11/12/98 11:51:27
My Email: jc8845@mbox2.singnet.com.sg.
Location: singapore

Please keep me inform about akina

Amarildo Barbosa - 11/10/98 13:49:28
My Email: AmarildoBarbosa@zaz.com.br
Location: Campo Grande MS - Brazil

Sou brasileiro, e infelizmente aqui não chega os lançamentos de Akina Nakamori. Akina é a melhor. Akina is the best.

Tony So - 11/10/98 08:56:45
My URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/shrine/1338
My Email: bortsony@hotmail.com
Location: Hong Kong

Dear Akina fans: Please visit my homepage for akina and give me some comments and suggestions. Thanks! Akina House www.geocities.com/tokyo/shrine/1338

Charles - 10/26/98 05:43:46
My Email: i130269@yahoo.com

Dear all, Sorry that I don't know how to type Chinese, though I'm a Chinese from Hong Kong.... Hope you don't mind. I started to listen to Akina's songs since her 2nd Ablum, so I've got her first seventeen 45" singles and her first ten LPs. I would like to buy CDs version of her early works (like New Akina and Anniversary!!), since my turntable no longer works. But t e problem is I can only find her recently issued CDs in Hong Kong (like Shaker). Could anyone tell me where I can buy them online? I know the chance is rare ... Please help me out .... Charles

Gordon Chan Wing Yan - 10/14/98 15:44:23
My Email: jazz4gc@yahoo.com
Location: hong kong

Always by your side... Akina

Júlia Naomi Kishimoto - 10/02/98 00:03:22
My Email: juliak-ono@uol.com.br
Location: Brasil - São Paulo

I like to sing your songs. Your voice are very beautiful. I would like to have a voice like yours. It's serious. I wish peace, love and happiness to you. Kisses, kisses and bye bye.

CJ - 09/25/98 16:05:53
My URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/Tokyo/Temple/7015/
My Email: akina_fan@geocities.com
Location: U.S.

Normally, I wouldn't sign my own guestbook, but this last message below has me puzzled. Do I know you? Anyway, thanks for visiting!

win aaron - 09/25/98 15:16:03
My Email: winaaron@hotmail.com

Hello. thanks for the mail. Today I just finish the test. But tomorrow I must go to university. For standing in the front of the class, I will report this subject. It's a pity for me. I can't see you. As I have foreign friends that we know each other before. And when we leave we contact the others with email. So do you have your pic scanned on the com? I want to see. If you don't have,that's o.k. For me, actually I have, but the pic is very old. When I am 4 years old. ( I got that pic beacause my cousin scanned for me.) Anyway, it is very funny. Do you feel as me too? We don't know each othe very well. But I will tell you that I like writing to you a lot ( more than the other foreign friends of me). You are very friendly. So, I want to continue the question I as ed you in the latter mail. Please don't walk away as the song I sendt to you:) .... Could it possibly that I'll be your very very very closed friend...urrrr...I mean special friend like that guy or less than him a little? May be you think why I asked very silly topic. But I say the truth. Truth of my mind. When I feel good with someone I would like to tell him her and it... Hope you don't angry with the question. I will go to sleep . I will write to you soon. Bye...win here is the joke for you... EVERYTHING IN TEXAS IS BIG There once was a blind man who decided to visit Texas. When he arrived on the plane, he felt the seats and said, "Wow, these seats are big!" The person next to him answered, "Everything is big in Texas." When he finally arrived in Texas, he decided to visit a bar.Upon arriving in the bar, he ordered a beer and got a mug placed between his hands. He exclaimed, "Wow these mugs are big!" The bartender replied, "Everything is big in Texas." After a couple of beers, the blind man asked the bartender where the bathroom was located. The bartender replied, "Second door to the right." The blind man headed for the bathroom, but accidentally tripped over and skipped the second door. Instead he entered the third door, which lead to the swimming pool and fell into the pool by accident.Scared to death, the blind man started shouting, "Don't flush, don't flush!"

sandy - 09/22/98 09:17:10
My URL: http://www.taconet.com.tw/akina1/
My Email: a1713@ksts.seed.net.tw
Location: TAIWAN

My akina's homepage :http://www.taconet.com.tw/akina1/

ASAEDA TAKESHI CELSO - 09/19/98 02:12:55
My Email: asacta@mandic.com.br
Location: São Paulo - Brazil

Tootemo kirei desu !

Eriko - 09/18/98 07:29:35
My Email: eriko18@hotmail.com

Hello!! I'm very happy to find your home page!! As I live in Australia now,it's difficult for me to gather information about Akina. To tell the truth, this page is more useful than F.C.homepage! Anyway,I'm looking forward to receiving e-mails from someone who is Akina fan. Love, Eriko from Perth 18/9/98

W.K.Choy - 09/03/98 19:05:38
Location: HongKong

Keep on...Never never give up, Akina...

Tony So - 08/21/98 01:07:27
My URL: http://geocities.datacellar.net/tokyo/shrine/1338
My Email: tso@ouhk.edu.hk
Location: Hong Kong

Hi, I just build up a mini site for Akina as above address. Check it out!

DaNiEl WaTaNaBe - 08/20/98 02:34:11
My Email: watanabe@uol.com.br
Location: Brazil

I just LOVE Akina... For me she is great and super, just perfect.... Let's help to come back to the super constelation of nowadays Japanese Music... We can not let such a big star, that have anchanted millions ans millions of peolple's heart shine, stop shinig for them all.... I LOVE HER, and know that YOU love her too.... Let's make something.... If you could arrange me a date with her, I would do the impossible to go there.... Just let me know you are reading this e-mail OK!? Kisses and hugs... DaNiEl From Brazil... 08.19.1998

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