past updates
Maiki has got the '121' & '123' hits, and A-mei the '222' hit. Have taken off the counter hits 100 & 111 & 200 since no one seem to have gotten them. Or CARE. Forgive shi for sounding bitter. Those of you who have been supportive of shi during this time - thank you all. With special thanks to shi's RL little sis, maiji, who drew a lovely Fuugen cg for shi ... Due to the CRISIS, shi had almost lost everything, from this site to parts 6 & 7 of "smiling tears". EVERYTHING. See shi's bbs for more information. Fortuneately, shelling out 100+ Cdn$ for Norton Systemworks 2001, shi managed to recover MOST of the stuff on that corrupted diskette. *phew* Also restored shi's computer HD integrity, the money spent was SO worth it. With three major assigments and one presentation due this week, "smiling tears: pt vi" and the planned chinese ura-version of WWE will be pushed further back. Please stay tuned for further notice.
... and this isn't official, just a rough sketch shi did on the subway during a one-hour transit homewards.
WARNINGS: Title: "Susuu, shi WANTS your bed". ^_~
In the story section, "smiling tears" : Part V is up along with a new poem currently titled changing fate. Given the weirdness surrounding the Yahoo!/Webring merge, shi THINKS shi is in two new webrings. -_-; Oh, and shi's feeling neglected... not a lot of people have signed her bbs. Since shi's using the bbs as a guestbook, drop by and sign the bbs, onegai?
... since shi might not be able to get one of the planned updates done before then. ^^;;;; Lots of updates, but first things first. Shi's joined the HE RPG club, and you can find shi there as Fuugen Shinjin. ^O^ Also, the incredible and wonderful Maiji made a banner for shi! It's in the links section here. Additions to the story section include: (1) smiling tears : Part III and Part IV (2) parallel lines : a Youzen <-> Fuugen poem (3) bodies : a guest poem by the talented Yo-yo San
Kinda dingy looking for now, but will change that sometime this week. Hopefully. ^_^; The art section is also up! One picture only, though. It's a gift-pic, entitled "breakfast zone", to Ruby-chan for being the first person to visit shi's site - eeep, yes, Maiji, I know you've helped shi a lot, so you get to request the next pic. ^^;;;; 18/09/2000
Shi actually GOT a site up. Special thanks and eternal gratitude goes to Maiji, shi's RL little sis, who helped shi remember her rusty HTML'ing skills and also designed the lovely pictures that goes with this layout. ... dunno how long shi'd be able to keep this up, so all updates are tentatively set at bi-monthly periods, at least. In other words, don't pester shi about anything on this site until it's at least two months past the last update. *mwahahahahahah* |