Y e S t E r Y e A r S 

You may grow out of almost everything else in your life,
but never your childhood.
-- Anonymous --
The simplest things - a gentle word, a smoothing touch -
bring joy and peace like summer rain.
-- Unknown --
While I wait for tommorrow, I'd like nothing better than to spend now with you!
-- Anonymous --
We whistled a tune and skipped down the lane, stopping for flowers and shade . . .
Such sweet items so fondly remembered, these memories we once made.
-- Anonymous --
Light quirks of music, broken and uneven, make the soul dance a jig of heaven.
-- Alexander Pope --
The song that we hear with our ears is only the song that is sung in our hearts.
-- Anonymous --
Boys and girls come out and play, the moon doth shine as bright as day.
-- William King --
The sun shines not on us, but in us.
-- John Muir --
April hath put a spirit of youth in everything.
-- Shakespeare --
There are persons so radiant, so genial, so kind that you instinctively feel in
their presence that they do you good . . .
-- Henry W. Beecher --
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Couple 25 *Couple 26* *Couple 27*  *Couple 28* Couple 29 Couple 30
Kissing 01 *Kissing 02* *Kissing 03* *Kissing 04* *Kissing 05* *Kissing 06*
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