Vampire Document

It is known by all the vampires, new or old, the problems that are been caused for Khan. The cursed one comes influencing clans of the whole world to make dead more. I do not know what it has in the head of this poor person, but with certainty it is not nothing of good. It makes time already, I come being pursued for some of its followers and have had that to around hide me of the world... With the death of my Frederico friend in the last crisis, in the passed century, I did not find nobody to help me to unmask Khan...
My fear, today, is that Khan proliferates our race in such a way that takes account of the world... This would be terrivel, therefore the natural order would ruin: many vampires = extinguishing of the human beings; extinguishing of the human beings = end of the vampires.

It seems simple and really it is. The vocês fits, friends of my race, to understand what I say or to follow accepting Khan.

I searched very on this deceased during decades and will say everything here what I know on it:

Khan had less than 15 years when she was transformed, this occurred in the end of century XVIII... As they must know, he is very worse to be transformed into this age, in way to the puberty. It suffered the consequências. Its mind, says, it entered in conflict with all its feelings, and it su killed all family. Not only it drank of its blood, but it esquartejou them, it dilacerou the corpor and it burnt together by its village... Well this vocês already must know. Khan happens that, surviving to the first crisis if she joined with Herculano, Mr., and spread out the second crisis, exterminando more than three rooms of the vampírica population. I do not have tests with me here, but I affirm to them, it really was matched with Herculano. E survived to the attack that culminated with the death of the Gentleman, in London. None of us we know because of Herculano to profollow with the second crisis, much less then of the one for what! of Khan having if matched it. What we know is that Khan wants to make the opposite to that Herculano wanted. Khan wants to proliferate the vampírica race!

They hear me, what he is happening is perigosíssimo. We have that to join forces to knock down this cursed. I, and the new generations for a meeting in Tókio, December of this call the old ones, as well as exactly year in some clâ. Until there vocês they will be informed.

Raptor, the Old one

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