Costume Prize Winners 2004
Best Group: "Wizard of Oz" with Harry Winnik, Ray Spicer, Rod Spicer, Nancie Chiodi, Becky Spicer, Linda Winnik)
Runner-up: "Mars & Venus" with Dee Cardiff and the "A" Group
Best Female Costume: Brooke Wilson as “Grapes”
Runner-up: Lynn Owings as "Bird with feathers"
Best Male Costume: Sepp Schnabl as "Indian"
Runner-up: Dan Doxzen as "Dragon"
Best Couple: Bill & Kay Basher as "The Odd Couple"
Runner-up: Pam & George Braun as "Foliage"
Sexiest Costume: Dorothee Berendes as "Zebra"
Runner-up: James Sharp as "Oldest Bunny"
Funniest Costume: Richard Meyer & Martha Goebel as "Neptune and Lorelei"
Runner-up: "Chicken Lady"
Most Unique Costume: Ron Stoops as "Scarecrow"
Runner-Up: Apraham Baboon as "Gorilla"
Most Elaborate Costume: Martin Dean as "Madame Pompadore"
Runner-up: Thomas & Jacqueline Hadel as "Devil Couple"
Booby Prize: Susan Mc Laughlin as "Curlers" and Herbert Traxler as "Hippie"
Thanks to the German Gourmet, Old Europe Restaurant, PJ Skidoo, Sweetwater Tavern, Wurzburg Haus,
and Northern Virginia Beverage Company for donations of many of the Costume and Door Prizes.
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