Johan Sebastian Bach
Johan Sebastian Bach was born in 1685 at Eisenach (Isenacum in Latin) and lived 65 years
before his death in 1750 at Liegpiz, in Germany. He was in a family of
(i think), 21 children. Bach has 3 sons who were reputed: Wilhelm Friedmann
(Weimar 1710 - Berlin 1784), Carl Phillip Emmanuel (Weimar 1714 - Hamburg 1788),
and Johann Christian (Leigpiz 0135 - London 1782). One day, Marpug, a man
who worked in the musical domain, said "The qualities of a hundred of other musicians
are together in the immortality of Johan Sebastian Bach". This is an expression to
say the talent of Bach. He composed many pieces and I present you few of them in my
Johan Sebastian Compositions Page. Bach is for me,
THE greatest musician of all the times.
Note: A most complete descrition will be available soon
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