August, 27 1998 19:43
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The following letter was written on November 19, 1995, but it was never sent, as it would have landed me in jail. The witch-hunt was in full swing. The facts are as valid now as then. The letter is brought as-is, without changing or editing. But I would like to clarify a few points, which I do further on. Please, if the letter upsets you, all the more reason to read this additional part. Thank you.
I have added signs in the text, where each particular part is referenced further on. Like this: (1). Click it, with easy return.

      The Jerusalem Post
      P.O.B. 81
      J E R U S A L E M 91000



    Re: Letter to the editor, by Fred Simons, Ra'anana.
    (Jerusalem Post of November 19, 1995.)

Mr. Simons is no hypocrite! His venom-dripping letter is a sign of the times: self-hatred of all that is religious. Oh, no! I am not accusing Mr. Simons of being anti-christian or anti-moslem or even anti-guru. The modern trend, goaded by the government- ruled communications media, is only concerned with the question: "Are we more goyish than the Pope? Can we denounce Judaism more vehemently than Farrakhan?"

No, I won't preach for national unity! Let Mr. Simons do that. The leftist media said after the execution of Rabin: "We have quit the policy of political murder two thousand years ago!"
If that is so, who committed all the political murders in this century? The rabbis and yeshiva heads? Who ordered Prof. Dr. De Haan's(1) murder? Who pressed the trigger that killed all those Jewish freedom fighters on the Altalena(2)?  And who shot at the Jewish boys, that were trying to swim ashore? And who hurled grenades at those on the beach? Who ordered the evacuation of East-Jerusalem(3), lest it fall in rightist hands? Who refused to cooperate in an effort to save Jews from the Holocaust(4), lest they tip the political balance in disfavor of the leftist movement?

Yes, I will preach for national unity!
I am in favor of Reform "giyur" and civil marriages (5). 
We must team up with all the "enlightened", who call them- selves Jews: Reform, Conservative and Progressive and all the other Adventists and Sabbatists, and go to Rome to kiss the Pope's ring. The result will be, that 80% of the Jewish People will refuse to intermarry with Jews, whose families have no "hekhsher from the Badatz" (6). The registration at the Interior Office has already no meaning, after so many gentiles have been registered as Jews, so now every Jew, all over the world, who cares about his children wanting to marry into a Jewish family, will only choose a "certified" Jewish partner. The Sephardi community, the Aguda, you name it, even the NRP will now set up a "shidduch" kashrut list, just like the food kashrut committee, and the Jewish people will be split into two people: the Pharisean and the Reform, just like two thousand years ago. And the myth of Reform and Progressive being Jews will end. Fiat!

If there could be freedom of speech in this country, I might even consider applauding a murderer (7), for executing a mass- murderer, be it fifty years late. But under this reign of terror, we are not allowed to criticize a government, that was elected in a democratic way, after murdering the opposition (8). Sorry, that happened last year, this year political murder is out!
I thank you for publishing my letter.
    (Check first with your legal counselor!)


         Moshe J. Vorst, Jerusalem.

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(1) Prof. Dr. Israel J. De Haan - was assassinated in Jerusalem in 1929, coming out of the synagogue. He was the son of a religious Dutch family, but became not-observant and studied international law. He became one of the foremost authorities in the field. When the Russian Csar needed a consultant, due to the unrest in Russia long before the revolution, he invited Prof. De Haan. There he met religious Jews, and thru them became interested in his heritage. After becoming fully religious, he settled in Jerusalem and became involved with the Jewish community there. His contacts with the British authorities and the Arab leaders would have lead to an independant Jewish-Arab state, without bloodshed, which the British would have been impelled to support. The authorities on both sides were very much impressed with the ideas of this genius and his sincerity, unlike the lack of these in Dr. Chaim Weizmann in London. This would have been disastrous for the Zionists, so they had him murdered. The Zionist executive then included Weizmann, Ben-Zvi and Jabotinski. They had the murder hushed up and the murderer and his accomplice were whisked out of the area. The latter, a certain Tahomi, was located and interviewed in Hong-Kong at a later date. This is NOT political murder! back
(2) The "Altalena" was a ship,loaded with arms, chartered by the rightist movement, running the British blockade. Ben-Gurion had promised the British not to bring additional arms into the area, so he ordered the boat to be sunk and Rabin was the executioner. Not satisfied, having sunk the boat and killed several young fighters aboard, he personally killed the survivors, trying to swim ashore and hurled grenades at those, who succeeded in reaching the beach. Rabin himself testified, that whenever Menachem Begin was sighted on deck, the firing was intensified. Why? Because Ben-Gurion knew, that after Yaffa was liberated by the "Etzel", his chances at the upcoming elections were slimming and Begin's star was at its zenith. Therefor 16 young Jewish freedom fighters had to die! This is NOT political murder!   But when Dr. Baruch Goldstein, of blessed memory, who day-in, day-out, had to treat the victims of the Arab "intifada", went berserk and killed Arabs, he became an "infamous murderer". This IS political murder!   back
(3) When Ben-Gurion was informed, that the rightist "Lechi" was going to save the city from falling to the Arabs, after his leftists failed to do so, he ordered the city evacuated, before their reinforcements could arrive. back
(4) The letter, written on Weizmann's stationary, as head of the Jewish Agency, explicitly stating the reason, for not wanting to participate at saving 100,000 Jews from Auschwitz, was signed by himself, too! back
(5) Please read this very attentively. If some people will feel very hurt, I am sorry. Judaism is a very exclusive club. In order to become a member, you must not just register and pay the dues, but commit yourself to adhere to the rules. One of the rules is, that anyone, who believes in it's goals, is considered a member and should register officially. The conversion ceremony is also subject to certain rules. Someone converting and declaring to adhere to the rules, who does not fulfill this, is not converted.
A Jewish person is the son of a Jewish family. But in case, that there is a problem with one of the parents, the following rule applies. If the Jewish mother has a baby, without having married the father in the prescribed way, (read: no religious marriage, father not Jewish), then the natural father cannot prove his fathership and is not considered. Consequently, the Jewess has a baby --> father unknown --> baby is Jewish. If the mother is not Jewish (or not converted by the rules), she has a baby --> father unknown --> baby is not Jewish. Only when the parents were married in the prescribed way, there is a Jewish family and the baby can claim his heritage after his father. If someone wants to start a new club, with different rules, that is his democratic right. But let him not use the trademark of an existing club. (But religion is not a social club and you don't have the right to start a new heresy, as if it were a social convention. Religion is something, to be taken very seriously and the subject must be studied. Only people, who are deeply involved with the existing material, can express an opinion: not their own, but Torah opinion!).
The name "Judaism" is registered trademark by the Torah. When 2000 years ago, some Jews wanted to found a new club, they called it Christianity. They made up their own rules. They claim to be the rightful heirs, I know, but they don't call themselves Jews. People, that invent new rules, must find a new name for their heresy and stop counterfeiting.  back
(6) ("an affidavit from a rabbinical court, more stringent, than the official rabbinate"). The problematic point is here, that a woman, married in the prescribed way or even living openly with a partner, must, if she wants to live with another man, be divorced according to the Torah rules. Civil marriage might work, but civil divorce never. Therefor, if she has a baby from a different man, without having had a "get", the baby is a "mamzer" (bastard) and cannot marry a Jew, except of his own kind. If a Jewish couple, even when "only" married in the Reform temple, wants to divorce, the Reform divorce, according to Torah rules, is useless! If the woman, with or without new marriage, has a baby from a different man, it's a "mamzer" and nothing can be done to change that. If we can't be certain, that the few existing "cases" are known and registered, we must not marry into a family, before checking out its ancestry. And when in doubt, don't! back
(7) Sorry, under NO circumstance can we allow a person to take the law in his own hands (when not being attacked). This is the opinion of the Torah, and I don't differ! A murderer is not an official executioner! An official executioner must be appointed by court. Even when the victim is a proven murderer. back
(8) Let this be enough reason, for never again having a socialist government in this state! back
(to be continued)

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