HST/WSP331: Spring 1998
Women in American History
Prof. Margaret Susan Thompson
Syracuse University
Department of History, 145 Eggers Hall
Office: 526 Eggers Hall, x. 5882, 2210
E-Mail: msthom1@ibm.net or msthomps@juno.com
Spring Office Hours: TuTh, 2:45-4 p.m., & by appt.
Elizabeth S. (Beth) Berila, T.A.
Office: 208 Bowne Hall, x. 3707
E-Mail: esberila@mailbox.syr.edu
Office hours—MW: 1-2 p.m., & by appt.
To see a list of required readings, click here.
Page maintained by Margaret Susan Thompson. Created: 11/13/96 Updated: 4/27/98