HST 102: Course and section listservs

How To Use the Course Listservs

A LISTSERV (or internet mailing/discussion list) has been set up for each section of HST102. [In addition, there is a general listserv for the entire course, but this is only for posting announcements, and only Professor Thompson and the TAs have authorization to post to the entire class.] The NAME of each listserv--except those for Julien Vernet's sections--follows this format: HST102-sectionnumber For example, if you are in Section 5, the name of your section's listserv is: HST102-5. [The names of Julien's listservs have a slightly different format: HIST102-6, HIST102-14, HIST102-15 (note the "I" in "HIST").]

Your TA and Prof. Thompson can use these listservs to send messages to everyone. But you can do the same! In fact, we encourage students to use their section listservs to ask questions about course material, to continue discussions which began in class, to post announcements of interesting campus events, etc.

You can send a message to your section's listserv by addressing it as follows: SECTIONNAME@LISTSERV.SYR.EDU Thus, if you are in Section 5, mail a message to your section's listserv at: HST102-5@listserv.syr.edu (you can use capital or lower-case letters; it doesn't matter). This will send a message to the entire list (that is, all the people in your section, including your TA).

Here are a few other useful things to know about using a listserv:

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Page maintained by Margaret S. Thompson, msthom1@ibm.net. Created: 3/3/99 Updated: 3/4/99