Spring 1999

HISTORY 102: The United States Since 1865

Professor Margaret Susan Thompson                                        

526 Eggers Hall
x. 5882 (during office hours), 2210 (messages)
e-mail: msthom1@ibm.net (preferred), msthomps@maxwell.syr.edu
Office Hours--Tuesday: 12-1, Thursday: 11:30-12:30, & by appointment

Gilda Bonanno [e-mail: grbonann@mailbox.syr.edu]
Jim Eichsteadt [e-mail: jeeichst@mailbox.syr.edu]
Matt Harris [e-mail: harrismatthew@usa.net]
Mary Mankus [e-mail: mkmankus@mailbox.syr.edu]
David Lobb [e-mail: dclobb@maxwell.syr.edu]
Julien Vernet [e-mail: jpvernet@mailbox.syr.edu]
TA Office: 028 Eggers Hall, x. 9160 [messages: x. 2210]
Office Hours: To Be Announced in individual sections and on section syllabi.

Welcome to the History 102 Homepage. Here, you will find a variety of materials that will help you to get more out of our course.

Among the items you'll find here are a copy of the course syllabus (including daily reading assignments), paper topics as they become available, information on your section's internet discussion list, and other course-related materials. You'll also be able to find the office hours, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for Professor Thompson and your T.A.

Finally, you'll find an ever-expanding set of links to a variety of Internet resources that will allow you to explore the issues, personalities, and themes that we will be studying throughout the semester. You'll also see links to many media sites--so that you can keep on top of "history in the making". It is our hope that, through your use of these resources, you will get a feel for what historians do: satisfying their curiosity, finding out for themselves about complex and intriguing questions, and coming to their own conclusions based on evidence.

Our site is a work-in-progress. So enjoy, feel free to make suggestions as to how it might be improved, and keep checking back here frequently.

This site is always under construction!

Page maintained by Margaret S. Thompson, msthom1@ibm.net. Created: 1/14/99 Updated: 4/27/99