Office: 028 Eggers Hall
Office Hours: Tuesday and Wednesday 1:30-2:30, and by Appointment.
Phone: 443-9160
(campus) or
Course Website:
Weekly Schedule
January 29: Introductions, discuss biography project, begin
reading Herland.
Documents: pp. 229-235, 241-43, 248-50.
February 5: Documents: #19-2, 19-5, 19-1, and 19-10.(Continue reading Herland)
February 12: Discussion of Herland. Documents #21-3, 21-5, 20-1.(Begin Reading Jews Without Money).
February 19: Biography Paper Due in Section. Documents #22-3, 22-6, 22-9, and 22-4.
February 26: Discussion of Jews without Money. Documents # 23-2, 23-6, 23-8, Exam Review.
*(Reminder: March 4, MidTerm Exam)
March 5: Documents # 24-2, 24-3, 24-4.
March 12: Documents #25-6, 25-9, 25-3, and 25-2.
March 19: *NO CLASS- SPRING BREAK. (BUT... Read Manchild in the Promised Land).
March 26: Documents 25-10, 26-9, 26-7, and 26-3.
April 9: Discussion of Manchild in the Promised Land. Documents # 28-2, 28-5, 28-9. (Begin Reading Rubyfruit Jungle).
April 16: Second Paper Due in Section. Documents #29-3, 29-10, 29-4.
April 23: Discuss Rubyfruit Jungle. Documents # 30-6, 30-7, 30-8.
April 30: Documents 31-4, 31-6, 31-3. Final Exam Review.
FINAL EXAM- Friday May 7, 10:15-12:15 in Gifford Auditorium.
PAPERS: There will be two papers assigned during this semester. the first is the biography paper due the week of Febuary15. The second paper will focus on a theme addressed by several of the non-text readings. It will be due the week of April 12. The topic will be given out the week after spring break. Drafts are not required, but are encouraged and will be looked at by Dr. Thompson or myself. Each paper should be 5 pages in length.
INFORMATION & POLICIES: As mentioned in the course syllabus, extensions for papers and other assignments will be granted ONLY if specific circumstances are explained in advance. Papers turned in late without prior permission will be lowered at least one letter grade. No late paper will be accepted more than one week after the original due date. If you are ill, or have an accident ect., a written explanation signed by a dean or physician must be presented as soon as possible. No paper or assignment should be "turned in" by leaving it in the T.A.’s mailbox, or slid under an office door. In other words, hand the assignment directly to your T.A. Beware of plagiarism! Plagiarism is defined as taking ideas, writings, ect., from another and passing them off as your own. Simply don’t do it. If you have any questions, see your T.A.
Paper 1:(Biography)------------------------15%
Section (attendance, participation, quizzes---20%