A Ritual for Acknowledging Change.
Light a fire in a fire proof container (I used my dragon bowl) and invoke the spirit of the West.
In the West
where the sun sets and we speak of change, of endings
where the Goddess saw her reflection the sea and fell in love,
where autumn returns, splashing red-orange hues on rhythmic waters
I flow.
In the West, where the Ancient One of change-waits, I turn.
In the West, the place of courage, of daring to look inward, I search.
In the West, where deep feelings as still ponds reflects, I receive.
In the West, where waves break to return again as moontides, I heal.
In the West, where water flows as a rivers current, I follow.
Knowing that I still cling with fear to what I must release, I look to the west seeking courage: courage to let go, courage to look inward, courage to heal, courage to follow and courage to have faith.
Cerridwen I call on you as the Lady of change, the master of transformation. I offer up my woundedness for your healing, my belief that the past cannot be changed, that damage once done is for all time. I will let those images fall from me as the leaves will fall from the trees secure in the knowledge that the future will bring new growth and a full ripening of lushness in its time.
I borrowed most of this from somewhere -- again as soon as I track it down I'll add the copyright info
Journal 9/15/96
After doing the ritual outlined above, put on my long dress and I danced. I danced as Airmed had asked me to so long ago, I danced as L. C. had instructed me to do on the summer solstice, I danced as HE had danced with me on the cliffs above the ocean. (this last line refers to a dream I had. I'll get the poem I wrote about meeting the sidhe up here sooner or later)..
I then did a crystal lay-out by selecting stones from my collection and placing them in a pattern that would tell me what they had to say:
Spectrolite (the way station
Blue Calcite (the journey)
(What is coming into being now)Celestite Celestite (what came before)
Kyanite (what underlies the issue)
the first thing I noted when I looked at this reading was that I had been drawn to exclusively bluish stones
Kyanite as the stone representing the underlying issue holds the access to the patterning of the soul blue-print. It is the catalyst for the exploration into the spiritual body patterning. Kyanite always indicates the need to look into another expression of the soul and sets the energy in motion to get there. What this meant to me was that I was embarking on a new phase of my life from a soul perspective
Celestite says that there is a spirit who is ready to access the spiritual dimensions of herself and live from that blueprint. She is ready to express as a soul -freely openly and lovingly. Celestite assists in the transformative process y bring the clarity of souls expression into the physical consciousness as a seed of light. It assists the individual in going within to the integrated oneness of total being, the oversoul, which is the true inner teacher, the gentle spirit behind the inner voice. Celestite enables one to keep a level head and promotes the ability to stay grounded while in a state of spiritual inspiration.
Blue Calcite says "make sure these spiritual explorations and initiations bring peace to the physical mind and heart." Calcite support the peaceful realization of a new soul potential and is calming to the physical body. It balances ones emotional states and removes blocks so emotions can flow more easily. Reduces intensity. Balances and heals all chakras. Particularly effective for balancing and healing the fourth chakra. Very rapid in its effect.
Spectrolite - refined Labradorite. Clear with just the iridescence. Could point to a Sirius connection or an Atlantian connection. Lacks the groundedness of labradorite and is more focused on soul knowing than soul remembering. It keeps one active; stimulates one to exercise, dance and hop and skip about. Opens and stimulates the third chakra.
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Šall original material copyright: Freya Owlsdottir, 1986-1998