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Monthly Numerological forecast

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June 1998
This month will take place very quickly! So stay focussed and keep on track. It's a month for "out with the old and in with
the new". It's again time to clean out your cupboards both physically and metaphorically. Eliminate all things that don't
serve you and give you joy. Travel would be good for the soul this month. It would give you time to think and separate
yourself from your circumstances. It is vitally important now to see everything clearly.

Present friendships can be cemented and made more enduring. You may receive gifts this month. Don't get caught up in
emotions! And don't hang on to the past, it will only result in discontentment. It's time to look forward with joy and high

Many goals may be realized this month and you should attempt to finish all projects that are close to completion. Don't
make any new commitments this month. This is a time of endings....next month is the month of new beginnings.

It's a month of squaring off old debts and for extending the hand of peace to anyone with whom you might be at odds
with. You may find that your more humanitarian instincts come to the for this month. This is a time to 'love thy neighbor as

It is a magical month and you will find yourself transported to some wonderful delightful adventures. You may find that you
attract the unexpected this month. As I said: "It's a big month for endings", so don't halt your process by trying to hold on
to things that are no longer appropriate for you. If you do you will only find that things grind to a halt.. Life has the reins
this month, so let go and let the universe take action. Let life weave its magic ... trust in the process.

It's a time for completion and fulfillment. So spring cleaning is the order of the day. It's time to clean out everything that no
longer serves you - people, places, ideas and possessions. Bless them by acknowledging the value they once had in your
life, release them and let them go with love and understanding. This is appropriate to allow space for the new energies that
are coming your way. Your romantic life could resemble a soap opera this month full of color, drama and conflicts.
Remember it is a time of separating paths and new opportunities. So hold on to your hat, you are in for a bit of a wild ride!
Old flames may return and create chaos. This is a time to tie up any loose ends. Those without love in their life will surely
find romance this month.

July 1998
This is a month of new beginnings so make sure that any loose ends that are hanging around are well and truly tied. This is
an excellent month for breaking free of old habits. Try to remain open to new ideas and allow new concepts for self
development to take hold. Your energy levels will be soaring. This burst of new energy should be utilized to broaden your
horizons. Any new people that come into your life this month will eventually turn out to be helpful to you in the future - so
treat them well. Your dreams really can come true but you need to be organized and plan ahead to see them manifest into
reality. If you can get your attention fixed on a goal you will have the necessary energy available to you to attain it.

Remember to keep your thought positive because this months particularly where your attention is that is what you will
create. So if your someone who worries constantly about negative things happening to you.....watch out they probably
will......not because it is an bad month, nor because people are out to get you.....simply because you have bought it on

You have the ability to separate yourself from your situation and take independent charge of your own life this month. You
may be required to stand alone, to think for yourself and to learn independence. Are you ready to take on that
responsibility? Because if your are you have the chance to choose and make your own path. Make sure your decisions
align with your Soul Urge and Foundational Number and you will create a path to fulfillment. Your most important
experiences this month will be the ones that you personally initiate. So don't sit back waiting for it all to happen, get in
there an do it!

It's a good month to develop new skills. Promote your ideas and believe in yourself. Remain independent and decisive,
and above all, have the courage to act on your dreams.

Be prepared for new romances this month because true love often comes knocking in a 1 month. This month you may
possibly meet someone who will figure prominently in your life for some time ahead. So be selective and don't participate
in any superficial relationships. Any new romance that comes your way will start with a mental attraction, so don't expect
the "fire in the belly" romance that starts with just one glance. Remember long lasting relationships usually commence by
being built on a solid base, and mental affinity is a great place to start. Babies are also made under these energies and "new
life" in all its variations can be injected into existing relationships.

August 1998
This is a time of co-operation, diplomacy and self-knowledge. Be patient this month as it is a time of gestation, slow and
steady growth. But it's not a time to sit back . One step at a time is a very good idea this month, no racing ahead of
yourself. Collect and process your experiences from the past and give them time to grow into something new. This is a
passive, receptive time in which you will greatly benefit from reflecting and listening to the voice deep within. Don't become
a victim to unhappy memories from the past, instead use the wisdom you've gained from these situations to help guide you
now and in the future. Instant results are rare in this month, so be prepared to sit back once the seeds are planted, for the
harvest may not be reaped for some time. The future may seem unclear at the present moment for you are like a chrysalis
at this stage. Go with the energies of the time, be patient and you will surely emerge the butterfly.

Put off any major decision making till next month. Use diplomacy in all your dealings and be cautious about who and
where you place your confidence. There may be meetings this month and you would be wise to keep your hopes and
ambitions to yourself.

This is a great month for romance as the Number Two refers to partnerships. But things may fluctuate, this month is all
about receiving and giving. This month is about balancing yourself out. It's timely to embrace calmness and seek some
spiritual pursuits. Look at taking a course of action that will focus on developing your emotional control and spiritual
awareness. Of course the most appropriate course of action is to start meditating on a regular basis. If you have never
meditated before this is an ideal time to start, as you will make much progress along these lines. You may find that your
intuition is functioning better than ever at this time....so take the opportunity to check into those hunches.

If you are creative this month will let you access those hidden realms that are vital to creativity. Teamwork will bring great
rewards, so if you can learn to be diplomatic and tactful much will be accomplished

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Šall original material copyright: Freya Owlsdottir, 1986-1998