Goddess of Compassion.
Kwan Yin is known as she who hears the cries of the world. I for one know it's true. In the midst of a painful life experience she came to me in a dream promising that she would watch over me. I had never called on her and in fact wasn't even really sure who she was when she first arrived but she has been with me ever since and no matter how firmly I keep myself in the broomcloset; at work I always have at least a small image of Kwan Yin at my desk. (more on that below)
Oriental Lady Goddess of Serenity, good fortune and peaceful
enlightenment. Traditionally appears as a beautiful oriental woman, often seated or standing on a lotus blossom. Sometimes holding a small vial or vase, representing growth. |
Note: This has actually worked out to be fun over the years. When I worked in a predominately Oriental company I had a museum replica, foot high statue surrounded by plants as part of my office decoration. In another office, I simply had a bonzie with a 1/2 inch statue as part of the planting. In my current office I have a small wooden necklace with an image of Kwan Yin drapped over a cloisonné plate surrounded by two oriental cloisonne vases. There's a simple rule of thumb to use in terms of bringing stuff into the office. If you replaced the icons you're contemplating bringing in with conventional Christian ones (statutes of Mary, Jesus, or a crucifix ); if you or anyone else would be offended you've crossed the line.
©all original material Freya Owlsdottir 1986-1998