Minish's WebPage

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This page is dedicated to the few truly interesting female characters in movies, television , and literature. My definition of interesting implies self- sufficient and tough. This may include a mixture between good an evil as characters, perhaps an attitude, a sense of humor, or some other remarkable quality.

As a college student, I spend lots of spare time adding tidbits to this page (rather then studying, of course). Therefore, it is no where near completion and looking around might give you some hint of what is to come.

My vision for this page is that it will give some insight into what I (and many others) consider an interesting female character. I feel a strong lack of interesting women in many movies and much literature. I would like to eventually fully pay homage to the characters to whom this page is dedicated, but for now I am contenting myself with brief descriptions, what makes them interesting, and lots of pics. I also include links that can take you to fans who spend more time on description then I do. I hope you enjoy this site and explore the others to which it links.

For those of you who might be wondering who bothered to make this page I am including a seperate page about myself, my friends, etc. I don't expect much interest in this section, but here's the link: Stuff about Minish.

These character have all in turn had some effect on my life. Made me wish I was more like them, or made me become more comfortable with the way I am.  

As construction of this page is still in progress, I have a links page that will be growing continually. These links extend to stuff related to these marvoulous chics, and some other cool stuff. Enjoy!  

Have any comments or just want to say "Hey" email me at

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