The different types of trellis stitches derive their names from the number of climbing stitches (steps) taken between the bottom level cable stitch and the top level cable stitch that anchor them. So.... a four step trellis indicates that there are four climbing stitches between top and bottom level cables; a three step trellis indicates that there are three climbing stitches and a two step trellis indicates that there are two. Got it? Good! (Imagine me grinning.) |
As always, the basic rules remain the same:
1. Make a bottom level cable stitch with the thread under the needle picking up the second pleat. 2. With the thread under the needle, make a stitch up into the next pleat (pleat 3), one quarter of the way between the gathering rows. |
3. Make a stitch in the 4th pleat at the half way point, thread still under needle. | |
4. Changing to thread over needle and keeping needle at this same level, make a top level cable in the next (5th) pleat. | |
5. Now, going one quarter space down again, with thread over needle, make a stitch into the next pleat (6th). | |
6. Go down to the bottom gathering row with your next stitch (pleat7), still with thread over needle. |
7. Change to thread under needle and make a bottom level cable into the next pleat and continue trellis across the row. |
1. Make a bottom level cable stitch with the thread under the needle picking up the second pleat. 2. Still with the thread under the needle, take a stitch up into the next pleat (pleat 3)one quarter of the way between the gathering rows. |
3. Take a stitch in the 4th pleat at the half way point, thread under needle. | |
4. Stitch pleat 5 at the three quarter way mark between gathering threads, thread under needle. | |
5. Stitch pleat 6 at the top gathering thread row, thread still under needle. | |
6. Change to thread over needle stitch a top level cable into pleat no.7 at the same level. |
7. Keeping your needle horizontal to the gathering rows and with your thread over needle, one pleat per stitch, work the other side of the trellis going down at three quarter space, half space and one quarter space intervals . | ||
8. Thread over needle, stitch the next pleat(no.11) at the bottom gathering row. | |
9. Change back to thread under needle and take a bottom level cable in the next pleat, level with the last stitch and continue the trellis across the row. |
Following the above principals of anchoring bottom and top level cable stitches this time with three steps in between, use one third spacings between row so that there are three steps. (If you can't "eyeball" it, you could try lightly marking your fabric with a soft lead pencil.) |