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Timely Tidbits

We could all use some advice every now
and then. As you well know, parenting is a tough job,
even with the best of support. And who better to network with
for help than other mothers [and fathers :-)] who have been there?

On this page you will find (hopefully) some tidbits for surviving
your journey into parenthood, a great place to be!

Submit your ideas below!

*Learn to pack lightly. Schedule your short trips away from home between feedings to avoid having to carry bottles. Or, carry one bottle of sterilized water and one serving of powdered formula. Also pack just enough for one diaper change: two diapers (one for the change and one for the mishap), two wipes, a travel-size tube of ointment; plus one receiving blanket or bib, and a pacifier. I stuff these items into a backpack-type bag
along with a few necessities for me.

*Most doctors' visits require baby to be weighed (at least over the first year). Prepare ahead of time by laying out enough for a diaper change before you undress baby and hit the scale. Also have a large receiving blanket ready to wrap her up before and after being weighed as most offices are too cold for a baby's delicate skin.

*Save money on diaper changes. Instead of using expensive wipes, place cotton balls in a container with sterile water to use for cleaning bottoms. Note: we still use wipes to clean up stools but cotton balls for everything else.

*Formulas--Powdered formulas are the least expensive forms to use and ready-to-feed are the most expensive. Concentrated formulas are in-between and convenient. There is no concern for undissolved powder and its easy to prepare (one ounce of formula to one ounce of water).

*Trust your instincts!! If you feel there is something not quite right with your baby, don't shrug off your feelings. You know your baby best so do what you feel is right. Really!

*Learn to judge your baby's temperature by feel. You may take axillary temperature readings (under the arm) but most doctors will want a rectal reading. I've always heard that it is possible to damage the anal sphincter by probing down there too much, so I will often defer taking a temp until I feel it is really warranted. Note: this method may not be appropriate for you and your baby. Refer to your physician for specific instructions.

*We all will have to deal with the occasional diaper rash from time to time, and they can sneak up on us and become really bad really quickly. Over the counter medications
are OK, but here are some homespun remedies:

1. Use a spray bottle filled with water and one teaspoon of baking soda to clean baby's bottom. This will clean and refresh and baby won't have to feel the
roughness of wipes directly on the sensitive skin.
2. Use Mylanta as an ointment. It helps to reduce the pH of the skin. To make it
thicker for spreading, mix it with a little cornstarch.
3. For open areas, use a new product called New Skin. It is a liquid bandage you apply like fingernail polish, and it has an antiseptic. It forms a perfect barrier against all wetness, and lasts through several changes. Be aware though, this stuff stings on the first application, so be ready to move quickly and fan baby's bottom with cold air for
the first few seconds! Keep using this until the sore heals.
4. Find out (ask your doctor) if the rash is really a yeast infection. Yeast usually presents as a reddened bumpy localized rash. These are common for babies. A simple appli-
cation of over-the-counter Gyne-Lotrimin for a couple of days usually does the trick.

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The items listed above are opinions only.
*They are not intended to replace the advice or orders of professionals.*
Please use with discretion and consult
your physician for questions.

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