....include the father, the mother, three sisters (two by blood, one by law), two brothers, lemme count - four nieces, and one nephew (now, this kid can't bear to be away from me, he simply miss me a lot). Since the father had a vasectomy after my younger brother, I can assure you there's no more.

Lotsa cousins (doubling as beach company summer in or summer out), titos, titas up to the nnth count; wow, you should see us during our annual Grand Clan Reunion every 3rd of May. The village basketball court is packed, and I mean, packed. One family doesn't fit in one camera shot. We had to wear color-coded dresses to sort us out for the evening program. Also, to avoid summer romance within the clan.

We used to sneak into the dark, probably the beach for our liqour intake before the roll-call, but now since most of my cousins are now in the third round of producing kids of their own, we kind of do it now in front of the old folks, whom we call the Generals. We're a bunch, in our midst we have a couple of Barangay Captains, a Governador for each generation, and a Major (problem!).

We are the third generation, and after the big night, sneaking from the host's kitchen some food, fruits, and more beer, we will head out for this island. Sort of wash out the big hang-over away. This picture's taken to record that in 1997.


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