1. enjoy your favorite cup of coffee
2. go for a walk
3. take a bath
4. call a friend
5. take a nap
6. chat on the computer
7. play a game
8. write a letter to a friend
9. write a letter to yourself
10. go window shopping
11. buy yourself a card
12. buy a friend a card
13. light some candles and watch your favorite movie (don't
forget the popcorn)
14. color with the kids
15. take the kids to a movie
16. take your friend's kids to a movie if you don't have any
of your own
17. read a book
18. read a magazine
19. go out to lunch with a friend
20. make something with the kids (see recipes) |
21. make something for yourself (see recipes)
22. make something for a friend or neighbor
23. volunteer a couple of hours to a nursing home or
hospital or children's organization.
24. talk a night class at a local college
25. work on your web page (you can get a free one here on
26. go to a concert
27. spend the night in a hotel
28. read a book to your children
29. go workout at a gym
30. go tanning
31. eat oreo cookies (filling last) with milk of course
32. hire a sitter and go out to dinner with your spouse
33. get your hair done
34. get your nails done
35. have a pedicure
36. walk the dog
37. play with your cat
38. talk to your bird
39. listen to your favorite music
40. go to the park
41. do something romantic for your spouse/boyfriend/girlfriend |