The tremendous, pure heads,
long in the neck and lugubrious,
with jawbones of giants, erect
in the pride of their solitude -
those presences,
arrogant presences.
O lone, pensive dignitaries -
who would ever presume, who would dare to come close
with their questions, or challenge
those questioning images?
They are the spawn of those askers
who exceeded the narrow constraints
of the island, moved out, from its minimal waist
towards the whole of an ocean - to the human beginnings of things, and their absences.
Some of the bodies will never assume their full stature,
their arms shapelessly locked
into craters, asleep:
bedded down in calcareous rose,
never lifting their eyes to the sea,
sleeping the leviathan’s horizontal sleep,
stone larvae of mystery,
they lie now as when flung by the wind when it fled from that country
and the breed of the children of lava was over.
Grandes cabezas puras,
altas de cuello, graves de mirada,
gigantescas mandíbulas erguidas
en el orgullo de su soledad,
presencias arrogantes,
Oh graves dignidades solitarias
quién se atrevió, se atreve
a preguntar, a interrogar
a las estatuas interrogadoras?
Son la interrogación diseminada
que sobrepasa la angostura exacta,
la pequeña cintura de la isla,
y se dirige al grande mar, al fondo
del hombre y de su ausencia.
Algunos cuerpos no alcanzaron a erguirse:
sus brazos se quedaron sin forma aún, sellados
en el cráter, durmientes,
acostados aún en la rosa calcárea,
sin levantar los ojos hacia el mar
y las grandes criaturas de sueño horizontal
son las larvas de piedra del misterios:
aquí las dejó el viento cuando huyó de la tierra:
cuando dejó de procrear hijos de lava.
Poem 20, by Pablo Neruda,
I had the privilege of visiting Easter Island in June 1998:
all original material (text, graphics, photographs and programming) © 1998-2002