Welcome to my pharmacy. I'm not quite sure why I started this page in the first place, I never really update it, but I've gotten a lot of feedback about it so I'm going to leave it up. My drugs are my people. Anyone who has gotten close enough to me to affect me is a drug. Obviously, I don't have everyone up here, but that's because I couldn't figure out how to classify the rest of you peoples so I didn't. Anyways, drop me a line sometime and let me know what you think or give me a few suggestions. Enjoy!
My Perfect Drug:Will you be discovered?
Prozac: *smile* can cause mild agitation, but never fails to cheer me up when needed.
Nicotine: has been proven to be a downer at times. provides comfort in a time of crisis, but tends to drag me down at normal times.
Marijuana: pretty stories have been told. a lost mind explored.......nothing was found......but blackness
LSD: paints false pictures and draws out my past. gives me the greatest artwork, and the most tears
Crank: i crawl within myself and die a thousand times at your mercy. you are my hatred
Caffeine: You're my addiction, what keeps me going everyday. I cannot live you, but you'll never know that....
The rest of you, I cannot name because i'm not 'drug literate'. sorry.....i know feelings and regrets, not names. you are my drugs. my hidden paradise from myself.