The name of this organization shall be the American Association
of University Women of Florida, hereinafter called Florida
The AAUW Charter and Bylaws shall govern the Florida AAUW in all
its practices. These bylaws shall not conflict with the AAUW
Charter and Bylaws. Every amendment to the Bylaws of the Association
shall become effective and binding on the Florida AAUW.
The purpose of Florida AAUW shall be to unite graduates of regionally
accredited educational institutions in order to promote equity
for women, education and self development over the life span,
and positive societal change. Florida AAUW shall participate in
the development of policies and program of the Association, contribute
to the Association's growth and advancement, and cooperate in
the Association's state and regional work. Florida AAUW shall
implement programs through support of the AAUW Educational Foundation
and AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund, and through study, action and public
policy. Florida AAUW shall promote, encourage and coordinate
the work of the branches.
Section 1. Matters of National Scope.
Section 2. Matters of State Scope.
Section 1. Eligibility. Any graduate meeting the requirements for membership in the Association shall be eligible for membership in Florida AAUW.
Section 2. Student Affiliates. An undergraduate student
enrolled in a regionally accredited educational institution shall
be eligible for student affiliation. Student affiliates shall
be entitled to attend branch, state, and Association meetings
and receive the publication distributed to all members of the
Association. Affiliates may not vote or hold office.
Section 1. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year of Florida AAUW
shall correspond with that of the Association and shall begin
July 1. Section 2. Dues. The annual state dues for branch members shall be fixed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the state convention upon recommendation of the state board of directors. The vote shall be by multiple card vote.
Section 3. Budget. The annual budget for the state shall
be prepared by the finance committee and approved by the board
of directors.
Section 4. Audit. The executive committee of Florida
AAUW shall provide for audit and control of funds as are necessary
to assure safe keeping and complete accounting.
Section 1. Elected Officers. The elected officers of
Florida AAUW shall include the president, director for program,
director for membership, director for finance, director for the
Educational Foundation, director for public policy, director for
Legal Advocacy Fund, director for communications, and recording
Section 2. Appointed Officers. The appointed officers
of Florida AAUW shall be an administrative assistant, a bylaws
and policies chair, an historian, a parliamentarian, and such
other officers as may be considered desirable to carry on the
work of the state. They shall be appointed by the president in
consultation with the executive committee.
Section 3. Qualifications for Officers. Elected and appointed
officers shall be members of the Association.
Section 4. Terms of Office. The term of office shall
be two (2) years and begin on July 1. No member shall serve more
than two (2) terms consecutively as an elected officer except
the president. The president shall have served previously on
the Florida AAUW board of directors and may have served two (2)
terms as an elected officer. Section 5. Vacancies.
Section 1. Duties of Elected Officers. Officers shall
perform the duties prescribed by the bylaws and by the parliamentary
authority adopted by Florida AAUW. They shall implement their
responsibilities through committees representative of the membership.
Officers shall maintain a global, community, and cultural perspective.
All officers shall make written annual reports. a. President: The president shall have the usual executive powers of supervision and management such as may pertain to the office of president, and such other powers and duties as designated by Florida AAUW board of directors and the executive committee, and shall:
b. Directors: (1) Director for Program. The director for program shall:
(2) Director for Membership. The director for membership shall: (a) assume responsibility for developing and maintaining membership; (b) act as presiding officer in the absence of both the president and director for program. (3) Director for Finance. The director for finance shall serve as the chief financial officer of Florida AAUW. (4) Director for the Educational Foundation. The director for the Educational Foundation shall implement Foundation programs on fellowships, research and projects, and such others as may be established by the Association or Foundation. (5) Director for Public Policy. The director for public policy shall:
(6) Director for the Legal Advocacy Fund. The director for the Legal Advocacy Fund shall:
(7) Director for Communications. The director for communications shall:
(8) Secretary. The secretary shall:
Section 2. Duties of Appointed Officers. a. Administrative Assistant. The administrative assistant shall assist the president. b. Parliamentarian. The parliamentarian shall:
c. Historian. The historian shall assemble material of historic value to Florida AAUW to be placed in the archives. d. Bylaws and Policies Chair. The bylaws and policies chair shall:
Section 1. Nominating Committee. a. There shall be a nominating committee of five (5) members elected by the following procedure:
b. The president shall appoint a temporary chair from among the committee members who then shall appoint a permanent chair. c. No branch shall be represented on the nominating committee more than once in five years. d. Consent of the nominees for the nominating committee must be obtained before their names are placed in nomination.
e. All five members of the nominating committee shall have been
members of Florida AAUW for at least three (3) years prior to
serving on the nominating committee. Section 2. Elections. a. The elected officers shall be elected at a Florida AAUW convention by duly accredited delegates. b. The president, director for membership, director for communications, director for the Educational Foundation, and the secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years. The director for program, director for finance, director for college\university relations-Legal Advocacy Fund and director for public policy shall be elected in the odd-numbered years. Four (4) directors-at-large shall be elected each year. There shall be no more than one director-at-large from the same branch on the Board at the same time, and no director-at-large may serve as director-at-large for two consecutive terms. c. Elections shall be by ballot except where there is only one candidate for an office. Then the election may be by voice vote. A majority vote shall constitute an election.
Section 1. Composition. The board of directors shall
be composed of the elected officers, a representative from each
cluster, and a branch president from each cluster. Section 2. Powers and Duties. a. State Administration. In accordance with the bylaws and convention action, the board of directors shall have the general power to administer the affairs of Florida AAUW and to initiate and carry out its program and policies. It shall act for Florida AAUW between conventions and adopt rules to govern its proceedings. b. Branch Assistance.
Section 3. Meetings and Quorum. a. Regular Meetings. Regular meetings of the board of directors shall be held at least twice a year at the call of the president at such times and place as shall be designated. b. Special Meetings. Special meetings of the board of directors shall be called at any time by the president or upon the request of five (5) members of the board, provided that at least five (5) days notice of such meeting and its agenda shall have been given to the members of the board of directors.
c. Quorum. The quorum for a meeting of the board of directors
shall be a majority of its members.
Section 4. Mail Ballot. In the interim between meetings
of the board of directors, a mailed ballot may be taken at the
request of the president on any question submitted in writing.
Voting shall close ten (10) days after the question has been
submitted. If a majority shall vote on a question sent to the
members of the board of directors, the vote shall be counted and
shall have the same effect as if cast at a meeting of the board
of directors. Approval shall be by a majority of those voting.
Last Updated on Dec 2001 Copyright ©1998, Florida AAUW |