This is the  magnificent world of
E. Blair Leighton
Edmund Blair Leighton was born in London. He studied 
at the Royal Academy Schools and exhibited there from 
1878. Blair Leighton was renowned  for his romantic 
medieval scenes, of which the following two paintings 
are commendable examples. In line with most of the 
Pre-Raphaelites, he used an almost photographic style, 
especially with faces and fabrics, and long beautiful 
dresses are sometimes the highlights of his pictures, 
this is certainly the case in  'The Accolade' which is one 
of my very favourite paintings. 
The whereabouts of the original are presently unknown, 
wouldn't  you just love to find it?
The 'Accolade'
'Tristan and Isolde'
The beautiful model is, of course, the same in both 
paintings. There is not necessarily conflict  here 
because, according to Arthurian legend, Isolde was 
Queen of Cornwall and may well have carrried out 
knighting ceremonies. The gorgeous Queen may, 
however, be  Guinevere. You may decide for 
 Would you like to see more of
E. Blair Leighton's work?  I'd like to 
direct you once again to the excellent 
ArtMagick's Pre-Raphaelite Site 
which has more of his paintings than are 
usually found together, he isn't all that 
easy to find. Enjoy!
While you are here you 
may like to sign my
Frank DickseeMain Art PageThe Lady of Shalott
Background set used with 
kind permission of