
to the wondrous world of

Rolland Golden

(in a cow of a mood)

Golden's great style includes a number of 
 themes that may be found throughout 
his work, the following paintings encompass a 
few of these...

First, there are cows. There are also often 
things found in places you wouldn't expect them
to be. As well, there are dominoes dominating 
his work reasonably often, and he puts domino 
colours of black, white and red together quite 
a bit as well. Sunsets are another favourite 
theme of Golden's, which certainly endears me 
to him, being one of my favourites as well!

Bovine Games
''Bovine Games''

Dairy Queens
"Dairy Queens"

Would you like to see more of Rolland Golden's 
wonderfully whimsical work? His home page is 
The World of Rolland Golden
where many more of his works may be found.
Happy Browsing!

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Salvador DaliMain Art PageRemedios Varo

(C) All Paintings Copyrighted By ROLLAND GOLDEN

Background set used with kind permission of
