What is an independent woman? Have you ever given that thought? Do you consider yourself an independent woman? Well I have given it thought, as a matter of fact, I have given it a lot of thought.

You see from the time I can recall my family called me independent. This stemmed from the fact that I was a bit of a tomboy. So growing up, I often thought of independent women as those with traditional, male gender characteristics.

So why this discussion? Well... it seems to me *now that I have gray hair and am a ripe age of 32*, that independent women come in all shape and sizes. So here is some food for thought. I have placed a form at the bottom of the page for you to submit your opinions. Hey, I am open to discussion :-)



Can a woman be considered independent if she is financially dependent on her partner?

Well this is tuff. If the choices a woman makes are based on maintaining financial support from her partner then she is not truly independent. She is not making choices of free will. Where as, if a woman is able to make choices depite the risk of financial loss, then she is choosing to exercise her independence. So it would seem that independent women are willing to make choices despite the risk involved.

Are stay at home mothers considered independent?

Another difficult one because the decisions a mother makes about her life do affect her children.. There is still a great majority of American culture that view the mothers role as one of support and nurturance. These women feel that the ability to have the choice to stay at home is true independence. On the other side of the continuum is a segment of our culture that feel that stay at home moms are giving up their independence and their own careers. I feel, if a woman stays at home because her husband or family feel it is better for the children, then she is not exercising her independence. Yet, if she has made a conscious choice to stay home because she feels it is the best for herself and her children, then she is exercising her independence. Once again, independent women are able to make choices that may not be supported by society or her family.








Can a woman be considered independent if she uses her gender and sexuality for career advancement?

Okay... every bone in my body says NO WAY, but for the sake of discussion, here goes. The reality is if a woman is forced into this situation, I do not consider her to be independent. If she uses her gender and sexuality as a free choice then, she is independent.

Now to play devil's advocate here. Even if she uses her gender of her own free will, she is still locked into a dependent role, therefore can't be independent. *So, have I totally confused you?*

Now it is your turn. Let's hear what you have to say about independent women. I will even post it here. *grin*
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What is your Homepage URL-

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So let's hear what you have to say *grin*


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