Men and Rape

Women aren't the only ones affected by the crime of sexual assault. Many men have experienced such violence as well, and all to often very personally. I used to work at an instutution that took care of boys who have been ordered by the state to have round the clock supervised care. These boys came from many different backgrounds: many did drugs, others were sexual perpetrators themselves, and a few just seemed to be in constant trouble with the law. We served to hopefully teach these young men the difference of being a boy and being men of integrity. It was a difficult job, but one that was very rewarding.

While I worked there, many of the boys had made previous reports of being sexually assaulted by their roommates, often times in previous institutions. This report was on their record, and more times than not it actually happened. These unfortunate boys then had to go to a special sexual therapist to deal with the trauma of being sexually assaulted. Other boys had also been molested before arriving, and the trauma left from being previously sexually assaulted, often by family members, had left them scarred and this caused them to do other behaviors (such as drugs or other illegal activites) that facilitated their placement at the village.

Sexual violence toward men is very, very real. Integrity's affiliated forum at Delphi, Old Meets New Rape Recovery Forum, is run and operated by a man who was sexually assaulted. I have met many men in my journey to healing that have experienced the trauma of rape first hand, and several I would consider being close friends.

I felt that Integrity needed to address the issue of sexual violence towards men. I began doing a search on the internet for men's resources. I did not find many. I hope to research this issue farther, or maybe have one of my male friends address this issue for me, since as a woman I obviously do not share their same perspective. For right now, I can supply the few links I have found regarding male rape.

Silent Victims: Bring Male Rape Out of the Closet

American Medical Association: Strategies for the Treatment and Prevention of Sexual Assault: Special Populations: Males

To A Man Who Has Been Sexually Assaulted

Rape of Males

Stop Prisioner Rape

Male Survivors of Rape 

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